"Yu Shao, I checked the flight. On the flight that left Washington yesterday, there was no ID card registration information for Miss Ye. She should be in the United States."

   "Should?" Yu Xiu quasi narrowed his evil eyes and curled his lips coldly.

   "I can't even find anyone, I should be used to perfuse me, you are really capable!"

   "Yu Shao spare your life!" The housekeeper knelt down with a thud, his face pale in fright.

  "You don’t have to use your ID card to leave the United States. Even if you really use it, there are ways to destroy it. Don’t tell me that you don’t understand this?"

  Yu's thin lips are slightly opened, and every word is cold.

  "The subordinates will check again, and she must find Miss Ye's whereabouts." The butler crawled out of the living room.

  In the huge space, there was only one person left, Yu Xiuzhun, suddenly stood in the middle of the living room like a devil, squinting his evil eyes slightly.

  In less than three seconds, suddenly furious, grabbed the coffee table and hit the wall.




   A louder voice came from the living room.

  In less than half an hour, the original luxurious and splendid living room is only a mess.

  Yu Xiuzhun stood in the ruined living room, staring at the front without focus, and after a closer look, a trace of blood flashed in his eyes.

  Gritting teeth.

   "Ye Mingmei..."


  France. Paris.

   "Ye Mingmei's boarding records are processed?" Jin Chenye just finished the meeting, returned to his office, took a sip of coffee.

   Thinking of something, he looked at the assistant beside him.

  "Mr. Jin, everything is handled. The flight has eliminated all information about Miss Ye, including the flight surveillance video at that time. It has also been processed through the relationship. No one will know that Miss Ye is here in Paris."

  "Where is she, did the taxi driver who took her away found it?" Jin Chenye put down the coffee cup, Wen Er opened his lips.

  "I have found the license plate number at the taxi company, and successfully asked about the whereabouts of Miss Ye. She is now staying at a hotel near the Seine River. This is the name of the hotel."

  The assistant said, and handed a note to Jin Chenye.

  "When will the cooperation case officially begin?" Jin Chenye's warm eyes flashed, and he reached out and took the note on the table and glanced at it.

  "A week later, six days to be exact." The assistant responded rigorously.

  "Are there any omissions in public relations planning? For example, vacancies in art design." Jin Chenye said, putting the note in his hand on the table unintentionally, tapping with his long finger.


  Assistant Wei Wei was startled, these designs are all in charge of special personnel, but because of the importance of cooperation projects, they are all master-level art directors.

  The assistant's eyes fell on Jin Chenye's actions, and he hesitated for a few seconds.

  "There is no suitable candidate for the time being. I heard that Miss Ye is very thoughtful in this regard. If she can ask her for help, it should be more effective." The assistant said tentatively.

  "Since there are such thoughts, please notify the public relations department, draw up a letter of employment, and send it to this hotel."

  Jin Chenye remembered the scene at the departure gate that day, he hesitated for a moment, and then said again, “Don’t send it over, just take it to me.”

   "Mr. Jin..."

  The assistant did not expect that Jin Chenye would really want Ye Mingmei to be the artistic director of this cooperation negotiation, which was shocked.

   But facing his serious black eyes, he didn't dare to say anything.

   "What's the problem?" Jin Chenye raised his eyebrows coldly.

   "No, no more."

   "Then go down, get the offer letter ready as soon as possible, and send it to me."


  PS: Today’s fifteen chapters are all updated. Guiqiu tickets, good night (^o^)/~

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