365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1792: Everything about him is good

  He can take care of her for any reason, but he can’t hurt Ye Mingmei just to give Qin Youxuan a reason to feel at ease.

   Compared to him, Ye Mingmei is not innocent.

  Last night, Jin Chenye almost escaped from the hotel.

  I didn't fall asleep all night, and I kept thinking about whether Ye Mingmei saw him.

  Unexpectedly, she still saw it.

  It’s okay, if you say it, the guilt in his heart is less.



  Because of these four words, the blood on Ye Mingmei's face faded in an instant, and her hands tightly held her skirt.

  She could not believe that Jin Chenye did it, but he admitted it himself.

   is just his reason, so Ye Mingmei didn't know how to react at all.

  She wanted to laugh and say that she didn't care.

   But the corners of the mouth twitched, but the smile was worse than crying.

   "I'm sorry." Jin Chenye unfastened the seat belt, stepped over the car seat, reached out and took her into his arms.

   "I know I shouldn't do this to you, but I didn't think about it."

   "...You are just drunk, I won't take it seriously, don't worry, I won't say anything, just as if nothing happened." Ye Mingmei closed her eyes and forbeared herself not to cry.

  The nail pierced the palm, and the pain in the hand was no better than my heart.

  She suddenly felt so dirty...

   "Sorry senior, I feel a little uncomfortable, I want to go back to rest first." Ye Mingmei pushed Jin Chenye away and reached out to drive the door.

   "Mingmei, tomorrow is the press conference. Today is the last rehearsal time. Are you sure you want to be absent?" Jin Chenye didn't stop, but Ye Mingmei was stunned when he spoke.

   Biting her lip, Ye Mingmei sat back in her position after tangled for a long time.

   "Fasten your seat belt." Jin Chenye gave her a glance and reminded him.

   Ye Mingmei was slightly startled, and put on her seat belt as he said, but she never had the courage to look up at him.

  If she were replaced by someone else, she might be hysterical and even went up and beaten up.

   But now it is Jin Chenye.

  The gentleman who stood beside her when she was most helpless and said to help her.

  In her eyes, everything about him is good.

  Even if he did something that shouldn't be done, Ye Mingmei still couldn't bear any hatred.

  It’s just that I was complicated and couldn't figure out the clues at all, so I could only retract into my protective shell, and use my work to paralyze myself.

  For two days, Ye Mingmei did not return to the hotel.

  Being busy at the venue until the end of get off work, it will be one night in the staff lounge.

  Continue to work the next day.

  In the afternoon, it was the time when the product launch event officially started. Jin Chenye came very early.

  As the main person in charge of attracting investors for this new product launch, Jin Chenye has been busier than Ye Mingmei in the past two days.

  It was just by work that no one mentioned anything about that night again, as if it had just passed.

  Nothing happened.

  After all the work of the press conference is over, it is already the night of the next day.

  Investors are very satisfied with the new products launched by Ye's. Coupled with Jin Chenye's ability, the contract was signed quickly and easily.

  All the staff were very happy to get the cooperation case they wanted, and someone immediately asked to celebrate.

   "Mr. Jin, everyone is so happy. If you don't celebrate, it really can't make sense." The assistant stood beside Jin Chenye and said with a smile.

  For a week of non-stop work, all the staff have made great efforts. Jin Chenye looked at this point.

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