Just about to speak out, after thinking about it, he stopped aside.

  Ye Mingmei stayed in the hotel alone, looked out from the cat's eye in the door vigilantly, no one was seen, and she frowned slightly.

  Thinking it was her own illusion, she was about to go back to sleep, when she heard a shrill voice.

  "A fire broke out in the hotel, please cooperate with the staff to evacuate as soon as possible."

   "Fire?" Ye Mingmei got nervous and stretched out her hand to open the door.

   didn't see any staff, went to see Yu Xiuzun standing outside the door, and his body shook suddenly.

  The reaction of his hand was faster than his reason. Just about to close the door quickly, Yu Xiuzhun had already hugged her first and squeezed into the room.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, you let me go!"

   Ye Mingmei panicked and bit his arm with her mouth open.


  Yun Xiu was in pain, frowning, holding her hand but not loosening, he hugged the person straight into the room and threw it on the sofa.

   "You haven't seen me for so long, you don't want me?" Yu Xiuzhun stepped forward, bent over to pinch her chin, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

   "I wish I could never see you!" Ye Mingmei got up from the sofa, gritted her teeth bitterly, and wanted to turn her head, but his chin was pinched.

   swallowed a mouthful of water, but couldn’t digest it, how come Yu Xiuzhun suddenly appeared.

  She finally avoided him. After only a week, is she going back to life like **** again?

   Ye Mingmei instinctively wanted to step back, avoiding contact with Yu Xiuzun.

  "Why are you here?" Ye Mingmei asked with a trembling voice, "I have already left the United States, why can't you let me go..."

   "Don't cry as soon as you see me, I haven't touched you yet!" Yu Xiuzhun increased his tone of irritability, and raised his eyebrows.

  "Do you think you can avoid me by leaving the United States? Ye Mingmei, haven't I told you that unless I get tired, you just hide in the end of the world and I can dig you out!"

  Yu Xiuzhun watched Ye Mingmei cry into tears for a moment, and her face was irritable and gloomy.

  With the wound on his face, it suddenly seemed a little bit cold.

   Ye Mingmei was too scared to speak.

  "Is there a medicine kit?" Yu Xiuzun said suddenly.


  Ye Mingmei's eyes were stagnant, and she looked at him a little surprised.

  It's not that she didn't see the wound on his face, but he was injured, so why let her deal with it? She didn't hurt him.

   Ye Mingmei bit her lip, pretending not to hear.

   "I'm asking if you have a medicine kit?" Yu Xiuzun repeated it again, pinching her hand tightly, and Ye Mingmei frowned in pain immediately.

   "Following Jin Chenye for a period of time, I dare to start to disobey me, eh?" Yu Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly, and he knew that he was angry.

   Ye Mingmei's face turned pale, but she still clenched her teeth.

  She must learn to say no to him, otherwise she will not be able to get rid of the entanglement of this devil for the rest of her life.

   But looking at the high swollen wound on his face, Ye Mingmei couldn’t help but speak, “Are you fighting with someone?”

   "Fighting is not the point, the point is who you fought." Yu Xiu seemed to tease her deliberately, his stalwart body approached her, sat on the sofa, and reached out to fish her into his arms.

   Ye Mingmei turned her head to avoid his sight, and he was not angry.

   squeezed her small face with a big hand, sneered, "I beat Jin Chenye."

  The handsome face is covered with a layer of coldness, and there is obvious...satisfaction.

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