365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1803: Don't be so stupid next time

   is also this clean, which made him jealous, made him jealous, and finally dragged her into his world, trying to make her as black as him.

   But I don't know when it started, but he fell in love with her cleanliness, and he didn't even notice.

  Yun Xiuzun unconsciously raised his hand and stroked her cheek.


  His rough fingers walked on her pink cheeks, Ye Mingmei was a little itchy, and she gave a childish grumble.

  The little face still rubbed his chest.

  Yu Xiu Zhun immediately tightened his lower abdomen, but he closed his hand and did not take the next step.

  He seems to have never tried this before, holding a woman and doing nothing.

   Seeing that she sleeps so well, it feels that nothing is so bad not to do.

  Yun Xiu Zhun didn’t know how long he stared at her before slowly closing his eyes.

  Go to deep sleep.


  Early in the morning, Ye Mingmei was woken up by the alarm clock.

   reached out in a daze to turn off the alarm clock, and was about to go to sleep again, when he found the "big pillow" beside him, his brain was broken for more than a minute before he remembered all the things before going to bed yesterday.

   lowered her head and glanced at her good pajamas, then raised her head and glanced at Yu Xiuzun who was still lying beside her, his eyes were about to fall out of his eye sockets.

   couldn't help but raised his hand and pinched his cheek.


   will hurt, that’s not a dream.

  Yun Xiuzhun actually didn't do anything to her all night, just hugged her to sleep.

   "Enough to see?"

  Yun Xiu didn't know when he woke up, his evil eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Ye Mingmei for a while pinching herself, and then staring at him.

  The surprised expression on her face can be vividly formed into an emoticon package.

   "Don't want to sleep anymore?" Seeing that she didn't respond, Yu Xiu reached out and pulled the person closer to his arms.

"miss you……"

   Ye Mingmei whispered, "But you let me go first, I can't sleep well like you."

   Ye Mingmei reached out and pushed his chest.

  Hugging the quilt, moved to the farthest position from him, and then lay down comfortably.

  Hugged, and when she fell asleep last night, he did not kiss her secretly.

   Only now thinking of guarding against him, Yu Xiu stared at the stupid Ye Mingmei amused, and the corner of his mouth hooked evilly.

  "When are you leaving?" Ye Ming took a good time, then faintly poked his head out of the bed and took a look at him.

   "Are you driving me?" Yu Xiu raised his eyebrows, his face visibly sinking.

   "No, I just ask, didn’t you come to Paris for work? It’s time to leave when work is over..."

   "Who told you that I came to Paris for work?" Yu Xiu quashed his eyebrows.

   remembered that he told her last night that he had something to leave her behind, and added.

   "Work is by the way. The main purpose of my trip is to catch a woman who wants to escape from the palm of my hand."


"Well, I forgot to tell you, that woman is Ye Mingmei, do you know? If you do, remember to tell her, don’t be so stupid next time, or she will have good fruit! You can eat the kind that you can’t finish eating. !"


   Ye Mingmei curled her lips, looked at the naive man in front of him, and suddenly felt that he didn't seem so scary anymore.

   plucked up the courage to give him a look, and replied.

   "It must be because you are too fierce to scare people away. Women are too courageous. If you meet someone like you, the bear bile can be frightened. Everyone will run away. If you don't run away, there is a brain problem."

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