They didn't know the details of Yang Meilan, if she was a master and cheated Yu Xiu on purpose, then Jin Chenye would have lost miserably.

   Ye Mingmei has not shuffled the cards, but she can understand it.

   is not just cut twice and stagger the cards.

   "I won't, but I just want to take this opportunity to learn, Miss Yang wouldn't mind?" Ye Mingmei grabbed the card, only to realize that her reaction was too abrupt, and she glanced at Yang Meilan.

   "Of course not." Yang Meilan shrugged indifferently, and sat back in her place.

   Ye Mingmei let out a sigh of relief before she began to cut the cards in her hand.

  She really doesn't, she moves a little slow, and she drops a card from time to time.

  Tossing for a long time, without breaking the cards, the people around were a little impatient.

  Only the two men sitting on the table were very calm. No one urged, but waited quietly.

  Yuan Xiuzun leaned back on the chair, holding a red wine glass in one hand and resting on the table with the other hand.

  Long fingers, wearing a very beautiful ring ring on the tail finger, which is very eye-catching under the light.

  He tapped lightly with his long fingers, very rhythmic.

  Evil eyes picked up, looked at Jin Chenye who was opposite, and then glanced at Ye Mingmei, who was trying to shuffle the cards for Jin Chenye, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"All right."

  Just when everyone was waiting to be mad, Ye Mingmei finally straightened out the cards and slowly flattened them on the table.

  A long dragon is crooked and crooked, it is really ugly, but this is the best state she can wash.

 It is rare that Jin Chenye and Yu Xiuzun did not dislike it, but said straightforwardly, "Who will come first?"

   "Let me do it first."

  Jin Chenye was very calm and opened his lips indifferently. He stretched out his hand and drew a card. After a glance, he fell on the table.

   is an ace of spades.

  A little bit, there is no point smaller than this, unless Yu Xiu draws a flower card, and there is no point, Jin Chenye will win.

  This luck is really bad.

  There was a burst of laughter immediately around   .

   "Yu Shao, you can win with your eyes closed. There is no suspense at all."

   "It's just..."


  Listening to the laughter around, Ye Mingmei tightened her nerves, and her palms were sweaty.

  Prayed silently in his heart, it's best to let Yu Xiu draw a flower card, let him get a zero point, then it will be a face!

   "Want me to draw the cards?" Yu Xiu seemed to see through her mind, raised her eyebrows and looked in the direction of Ye Mingmei, with a wicked smile.


   Ye Mingmei was startled, and lowered her head with a guilty conscience.

   Seeing her reaction, Yu Xiuzun knew that he was right.

   Slowly stretched out his hand towards the dragon in front of him, while staring at Ye Mingmei.

   found that she had been secretly looking at his hand from the corner of her eye, Yu Xiu seemed to torture her deliberately, slowed down the movement, moved a few back and forth on the top of the card, and finally pulled out one.

   "What time is it?" Yang Meilan stepped forward, asking a little nervously.

  She also asked the question Ye Mingmei wanted to ask the most.

  "You care about me so much, let you watch it for me." Brigadier General Yu Xiu moved the card in his hand to Yang Meilan, and brushed his long finger on Yang Meilan's beautiful cheek, with an indescribable charm.

  Yang Meilan blushed with a smile, and reached out to take the card in his hand.

   cautiously lowered his head and glanced at it for himself, and soon turned it over with excitement.

   "It's club ten, ten o'clock."

  The biggest point, Yu Xiu will win!

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