365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1824: Don't be happy too early

   "I said no gambling, if you can't afford to lose and want to quit, I don't care." Yu Xiuzhun watched the interaction between the two and said coldly.

  The tone was casual, but cold.

   "People say that gambling skills are not enough to get together, but I think Mr. Jin not only has no gambling skills, but also bad luck. With so many hands, he has never won once."

   "Don't tell me, you can be blocked even at ten o'clock. It's simply the best."

   "Don't say that, I'm not prepared to have nothing to do with luck, but I forgot to bring my character when I went out today..."

   There was more and more sneer around, Ye Mingmei raised her head and stared back one by one.

  The Ye family is one of the three major families of Chinese businessmen. Even if Ye Mingmei has no equity right now, she still lives in the Ye family. When she gets angry, the people next to her are a bit restrained.

  Just waiting for the good show, people still did not leave, but more and more.

   has surrounded this side.

   "Don't worry about me, I'm okay, shuffle the cards." Jin Chenye's smile never faded, his expression was faint, as if everything from the outside world could not affect him.

   Calm and unassuming appearance, extraordinary tolerance.

  Jin Chenye like this, since he feels safe when he is most flustered.

   Ye Mingmei hesitated for a moment, but still picked up the cards and shuffled them several times quickly.

  Washed several times, her speed is getting faster and faster.

  This time, it took less than a minute to shuffle the cards and put them on the table.

   "I will come first."

  Jin Chenye lost five in a row, his momentum remained undiminished, and he insisted on drawing cards first.

  The warm Zitong flashed slightly, glanced at the card, and narrowed his eyes.

  A sharp light floated under the eyes, changing from the previous randomness.

  Hands up and down, on the card, a ten of spades caught everyone's eyes.


  There is a sound of inhalation all around.

  Ten of spades, both in points and suit, are the biggest.

  Jin Chenye draws ten of spades, which means that no matter what card Yu Xiu quasi draws, he is all set to lose!

   Thirty-two glasses of wine...

  Everyone's eyes changed slightly.

   "Ten of spades... actually is the ten of spades..." Ye Mingmei was sluggish for a few seconds, and then she was ecstatic, almost jumping out of her chair with excitement.

   "Senior, we drew the biggest card, we won!"


  Jin Chenye raised his mouth slightly, and reached out and patted her little head.

  Wait for Ye Mingmei to recover calmly and sit back in the chair, then slowly turned her head to look at Yu Xiuzun.

   "Yu Shao, you lost."


  Yu Xiuzhun looked at the ten of spades on the table, and then thought of Jin Chenye, who had asked to draw cards first, and his hand on the table suddenly tightened.

  Very good, he got into the set from the beginning.

  Unexpectedly, Jin Chenye still has this hand, knowing that he pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger.

  After losing so many in a row, even he believed that Jin Chenye was a idiot.

  Who can think of it, what he is waiting for is a Jedi counterattack.

  In this round, it was a bet of thirty-two cups, just one more cup than the thirty-one that Jin Chenye drank in the previous five games.

  The gap of one cup is enough for Yu Xiu to lose.

  "I should show the woman next to you how mean you are." Yu Xiuzhun gritted his teeth.

   "Yu Shao is joking, I just have good luck." Jin Chenye sneered neither salty nor indifferent.

  It’s not uncommon to be mixed in shopping malls.

  Jin Chenye looks gentle and elegant, not like someone who can touch these things, but in fact he is a middleman. Many people have been deceived by his appearance and have suffered under his hands.

  "The game is not over yet, don't be too happy too soon." Yu Xiuzhun looked at the thirty-two glasses of wine in front of him, every word.


  PS: The eighth update is over today. (^o^)/~

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