"Yu Shao, it's up to you."

  Jin Chenye is one step ahead of Yu Xiuzhun to get the ace of spades, which is also a gamble.

  Without the ace of spades, Yu Xiuzhun will only have one last chance.

   "Are you scared?" Yu Xiuzhun did not look at Jin Chenye, but at Ye Mingmei, who was already pale.

  Jin Chenye caught such a good card, her face didn't relax a bit, instead she shook slightly.

  Where did the fierce energy that was not afraid of death just now?

  Yun Xiuzhun originally wanted to teach her, but when she saw her doing this, she frowned.

   "It's time for you to flop." Ye Mingmei bit her lip, her big beautiful eyes revealing a trace of innocence.

  Her face is very white, so white that it is very abnormal.

  Even the lip color, there is no trace of blood.

  The little hand tightly grasped the remaining cards in his hand, and his fingertips were shaking.

   "Afraid?" Yu Xiuquan's deep evil eyes were slightly constricted, and he asked again, "Answer me."


   Ye Mingmei was startled by him, "Of course I am afraid."

   Isn’t he nonsense?

  If Jin Chenye loses, she will jump into the pool.

  Although nothing will happen, it is night and the water in the swimming pool is so cold.

   And there are so many people at the banquet around, if she jumped here, I am afraid that for a long time, she would not dare to participate in any banquets.

  Other people’s rumors can drown her.

   Ye Mingmei thought she was not afraid, but at this time, she still couldn't help shaking slightly.

   "I lost." Yu Xiu spoke suddenly, his tall body leaned against the back of the chair, and raised his eyebrows coldly.


   Ye Mingmei was taken aback, her eyes widened, as if she didn't react.

  Yuan Xiuzhun said, he lost?

  That is the person who wants to jump into the water is not her?

   "Yu Shao..."

  Now the nervous person becomes Yang Meilan.

  She agreed to Yu Xiuzun’s decision just now, so she is the one who has to pay the price.

  In front of so many people, jumped into the pool.

  Yang Meilan's face changed.

   "Don't dare?" Yu Xiu's handsome face has no extra expressions, just a faint glance at her, his tone indifferent.

"I dare."

  For this purpose, Yang Meilan won't let herself back down just for Yu Xiuzhen.

   Isn't it just a shame to make Yu Xiu owe her, she can't ask for it.

  Yang Meilan bit her lip, and just about to stand up, she suddenly found that the card at hand hadn't been turned over yet.

  She loses, but she always has to understand.

  Yang Meilan subconsciously stretched out her hand to grab the last card on the table.

As soon as    opened, the whole person was stunned.

   "It's nine of spades, straight, Yu Shao, we obviously won!" Yang Meilan's voice suddenly became very excited.

  Yu Xiuzun fell down for a moment, reached out and held down the card she turned out, and drank coldly, "Who let you touch it!"

"you do this delibrately?"

  Yang Meilan was shocked by the anger in his eyes, and her mind slowly became clear.


   Seeing the cards Yang Meilan turned over, Jin Chenye and Ye Mingmei were both stunned.

  The surroundings are quiet and even a needle can be heard falling to the ground.

   is just a game, playing in a very strange atmosphere.

  I am afraid that besides Yu Xiuzhun, only one Jin Chenye understands it.

  No wonder, he felt strange, how could Yu Xiuzun miss his hand at a critical moment, so readily conceded.

  It turned out to be deliberate...

   Yang Meilan’s aggrieved tears fell all at once.

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