365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1840: There is no one in the ward anymore

  Yu Xiu's stalwart body leaned against the back of the chair, and he sat for a night.

  Have not even changed the posture.

  The cigarettes at my fingertips changed one after another.

  The ashtray at hand is full of cigarette butts.

  Even the carriages are full of smoke.

  In the ear is the report of the assistant after the investigation.

   "Yu Shao, that punch is not light, Miss Ye has a slight concussion, and both nose and mouth have bleeding. Fortunately, there is no intracranial hemorrhage. Now I am hospitalized for observation..."

  Yu's heart tightened sharply.

  Almost that second, he wanted to go in and see her.

   But when she thought of her desperate appearance for Jin Chenye, she still held back.

  Yu Xiuzhun sat like this all night, staring at the direction of the entrance of the hospital, watching Qin Youxuan and Shan Hanjie enter and leave.

  After that, it was Jin Chenye who left.

  In the hospital, there should be only Su Yiru left.

  Until Su Yiru walked out of the hospital gate, Yu Xiuquan's deep eyes constricted, and he watched as Su Yiru stopped a taxi and left the hospital.

   hesitated for a second, just a second, Yu Xiuzun quickly pushed the door and got out of the car.

   turned and strode towards the hospital.

  Even if she knew that Ye Mingmei didn't want to see him at this time, she still couldn't help but want to see her.

  The assistant quickly received the news and rushed over.

   "Yu Shao, I have checked it out. Miss Ye is in the VIP ward on the top floor. Now there is no one else in the room except Miss Ye. Here is the elevator card on the top floor."

  The assistant handed a card forward.

  Yun Xiuzhun reached out and took it, turned around and walked into the elevator quickly.


  The elevator soon reached the VIP ward.

  Yu Xiu Zhun Junyi stepped out of the elevator and walked outside Ye Mingmei’s ward.

  Through the small glass window on the door, you can clearly see Ye Mingmei lying on the bed.

  After Su Yiru left, she seemed to be tired too, so she lay on the bed to sleep obediently.

  The redness and swelling on my face has not subsided much after the whole night, seeing half of the face is swollen, red with bruises, shocking.

  Yun Xiu's pupil tightened, looking at her peaceful sleeping face, her heart was unspeakable.

  The hand on his side was tightly clenched into a fist, restraining his emotions.

  In the end, she couldn't help it, stretched out her hand and pushed open the door, and stepped in.

  Yun Xiuzun’s footsteps were very light, and there was no movement even when opening and closing the door. Ye Mingmei, who was sleeping, did not realize that someone had entered her ward.

   Soon, Yu Xiuzhun walked to her side and looked at the wound on her face from close range, and the depression in her heart became more and more serious.

  Want to shake her awake, and ask her if she is going to kill her.

  When blocking a fist for Jin Chenye, have you ever thought that you might be in danger?

  If it weren't for his awareness of closing fists at the time, I am afraid she was more than concussion.

  The punch that hit her, so the most uncomfortable person, now it is him.

A self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of   Yun Xiu Zhun's mouth, and her long fingers stroked her delicate eyebrows, and her evil eyes flashed.

  He thought he was cold-blooded and he had never been soft-hearted to her, but for the first time, he would beat himself up with a woman.

   even wondered why he could not stop his hand in time.

   Let her lie down in the hospital...

  Yun Xiuquan lowered her head and pressed a kiss gently on her lips, very light and gentle.

  Just about to turn around and leave, she saw Ye Mingmei open her eyes suddenly.

  Four eyes met, and both of them were stunned.


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