"The Ito family, thank you, Master Xi, for your appreciation. I know what to do next. This time, I will definitely let Shan Yi have no chance to stand up and avenge the old president."

  Ito Hirotsuki collected the check and signed his faithfulness before leaving the villa.

  "Such a person can only be used temporarily, and cannot be trusted. The Ito family will have to get rid of it sooner or later." Yu Xiuzhun looked at the back of Ito Hiroyi's departure, and opened his lips coldly.

   "I didn't believe him at all, but the price I offered was higher than Shan Yi. He would betray me, but he would not betray money." Shan Han squinted his eyes, reflecting a bright light.

   "Speaking of which, he still doesn't know that your feet are not getting better?" Yu Xiuzhun stepped forward and supported Shan Hanxi's wheelchair with one hand.

  "Do you think that if the old fox Ito knew that he couldn't rely on me forever, would he still risk helping me?" Shan Hanxi asked not to answer.

   raised his head and glanced at Yu Xiuzun.

  The same light gleamed in the eyes of both people.

"This time, Shan Yi is miserable. We don't have to do anything. Shan Hanjie will not let him go. As long as he loses power, people who know how to look at his face will clean up him." Yu Xiu Zhun's mouth Evil Ning's smile floated.

  "When will my face be better?" Shan Han opened his lips suddenly, and asked quietly.

   "Can't be anxious, there will always be a restoration period, just look at it now, it's almost coming." Yu Xiu Zhun glanced down at him, his eyes flickering.

  The scar on Dan Hanxi’s face was too severe, even if he had plastic surgery, there were no traces of it.

  It just looks like now, it's not as horrible as it used to be.

   "As long as it doesn't scare her." Shan Hanxi lowered his eyes, staring at his unconscious legs, his eyes became profound.

  Speaking in a very small voice, he laughed so much that Yu Xiuzhun didn't hear it at all, and just ignored him when he was talking to himself.

   "It seems that you have a plan in your heart. I am waiting for your good news." Yu Xiuzhun reached out and patted his shoulder, turned around, and prepared to walk back to the room.

   "Where did you go last night?" Shan Han said suddenly, turned his wheelchair, and looked at Yu Xiuzun.

  Yun corrected his footsteps for a while, did not look back, "Whenever you start to care about my whereabouts."

   "Yesterday the Yang family's eldest lady came to you to find someone. I remember you told me that this woman is still useful to you, but I kindly remind you."

  Dan Hanxi answered casually.

   Pushing the wheelchair over and stunned Yu Xiuzun, and then went back to his room first.

  Yu Xiuzhun stood in the courtyard, sluggish for half a minute before he cursed fiercely.

  He was so dizzy yesterday that he forgot about Yang Meilan!


  Private villa.

  Qin Youxuan waited for a day, but did not wait until Shan Hanjie came back, but waited for an unfamiliar call.

"I want to see you."

   "Who are you?" Qin Youxuan was stunned, but didn't react.

  I just thought it was a wrong call. The next second, I suddenly remembered something.

   "Dan Hanxi? It's you!" Qin Youxuan sat upright, and his expression became tense.

   "I'm very happy, you can still hear my voice." Shan Hanxi's voice is very gentle. It is an unfamiliar tone of Qin Youxuan, but it is inexplicably creepy.

   "You really are not dead! The most recent thing has been caused by you, right? What do you want to do?" Qin Youxuan asked several questions in a row, but Shan Hanxi did not answer.

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