While making a phone call, she looked back carefully, making sure that Shan Hanxi’s people had not followed, and then walked safely to the GW campus and prepared to pick up the car.

  The call was answered soon.

   "Where are you?" Shan Hanjie's voice was filled with anger.

   "I just came out of the coffee shop, didn't you all bring the locator, are you angry?" Qin Youxuan was startled by him and whispered.


  A black luxury car drove towards Qin Youxuan and stopped beside her.

  The car door was suddenly opened. Before Qin Youxuan could see the person in the car clearly, she was kidnapped by two bodyguards and stuffed into the car.

  As soon as she was about to scream, her lips were blocked by Shan Hanjie.

   "Who asked you to come and see him alone!" Shan Hanjie tried to stop, cupping her face with both hands, and said an angry roar.

  On the face of the demon, there was an uncontrollable rage.


  Qin Youxuan was stunned by his roar, and when she recovered, she reached out and pulled out the opal necklace on her neck.

  "Here, I brought it and sent you a message. Didn't you find it?" There is a locator in the opal necklace, which Shan Hanjie told her.

  She is already so behaved, why is he still angry.

  What a stingy man!

   "If he wants to deal with you, I will find you. I'm afraid it will be too late, so don't make any more decisions next time!" Shan Hanjie tightened her waist and snarled in a low voice.

  "Should you care about what I saw? I tell you, Shan Hanxi is really not dead, he is just disfigured and disabled, and he appeared in front of me alive. I was taken aback by him."

  Qin Youxuan moved from Shan Hanjie's arms to the side, trying to divert his attention.

  Dan Hanjie's enchanting evil eyes narrowed, but he raised his eyebrows, "I know he is not dead."

   "And he gave me this." Qin Youxuan quickly contributed the laptop in her hand, for fear that Shan Hanjie would continue to settle accounts with her.

   "What is it?" Shan Hanjie did not reach out to pick it up, but looked at Qin Youxuan.

   noticed the red blood streaks under her eyes, her eyes tightened, "Have you cried? What did he do to you?!"

  "It's not because of Shan Hanxi, it's because of this." Qin Youxuan sniffed, thinking of the video she saw just now, still a little choked.

   Reached out and opened the laptop, and put the CD in it to Shan Hanjie.


   Touching those familiar scenes, Shan Hanjie's body became tight in an instant, with a trace of unbearable anger.

   "Shan Hanxi came to me to encourage me to take revenge and join hands with him against you." Qin Youxuan carefully glanced at Shan Hanjie and muttered softly.

  The last sentence was so small that it was almost inaudible.

   "So what? You agreed." Shan Hanjie gritted his teeth when he asked.

   reached out and took Qin Youxuan into his arms, with deep black eyes, staring at her firmly, wanting to see her thoughts from her face.

  Qin Youxuan blinked her bright cat eyes and pouted.

"What do you think? I don't know who Shan Hanxi is. Who knows if what he said is true or false. Yu Xiuzhun also took out such a CD before. Although it is incomplete, it is two CDs. The content is the same, that is to say, the information Shan Hanxi has in his hands is also in Yu Xiuzun's hands, and maybe Shan Yi also has them."

  Qin Youxuan pulled her lips coldly, taking a word for it.

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