365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1860: Send them back at this address

   "It seems to be a bottle of ointment, but there are no instructions on it, and it has been opened. There is only half a bottle of ointment inside. It seems to be privately ground. Is it reliable?"

  Qin Youxuan put it under the nose and smelled it, the smell was very comfortable.


   Ye Mingmei's gaze fell on her hand, shocked suddenly.

   "What's wrong? Do you know this bottle of medicine? Who gave it to you?" Qin Youxuan stepped forward and passed the medicine bottle in her hand to Ye Mingmei.

   Ye Mingmei reached out and took it without thinking about it, screwed on the bottle cap, and held it in her hand.

   Gently shook his head and pulled out a smile.

  "I bought it myself and a private medicine recommended by a friend. I heard that the effect of removing blood stasis and reducing swelling is particularly good, so I want to give it a try."

  “Don’t try this kind of drug that is not listed on the market. You should listen to the doctor. The wound on your face is just a bruise. As long as you make sure that the concussion is okay, it will disappear soon. Don’t use the medicine.”

  Qin Youxuan reached out and touched Ye Mingmei's cheek, reminding.

   "I see, my head has improved a lot. The doctor said to observe for another two days. If there is no dizziness or nausea, I should be checked again and I should be discharged. You don't have to worry about me."

   Ye Mingmei tightly held the medicine bottle in her hand, and whispered softly.

   "Well, it's okay. Rest more, don't think too much, my brother is with the company." Qin Youxuan chatted with Ye Mingmei for a while before leaving the hospital.

  As soon as Qin Youxuan left, the smile at the corner of Ye Mingmei's mouth disappeared.

   Spread out the palm of his hand and fixedly look at the medicine bottle in his hand.

  She has not forgotten that Yu Xiuzhun personally applied this bottle of medicine to her.

  At that time, he still looked disgusted and told her that this bottle of medicine was just applied to the bone-seeing wound, and it would heal quickly. It was a treasure that money could not buy. It was a waste to apply bruises to her.

  Now, he has sent her the entire bottle of medicine, and her face is also just bruised.

  What this person says and does is really inconsistent with words and deeds. Does he like to slap himself in the face so much?

  Seeing this bottle of medicine, Ye Mingmei finally determined who gave those supplements.

  No wonder you didn’t even leave a name.

  If the nurse said early that it was sent by Yu Xiu, I’m afraid that without Ye Mingmei speaking, Su Yiru would be the first to let people throw everything out.

   Ye Mingmei turned her head and looked at the tonics that had all been removed on the table.

   Biting her lip in a daze.

  I was sluggish for a long time, then took out a piece of paper and wrote an address.

   rang the call bell and called the nurse over.

  Give her the note and the medicine bottle in her hand, “If someone brings supplements again, they will return the things according to this address, and also send me all the medicines with this bottle.”

   "...Yes." The nurse stared at the address and medicine bottle on her hand, and was stunned before realizing it.

   Glancing at Ye Mingmei, who was a little excited, she didn't dare to ask more, turned around and went down.

   Ye Mingmei turned her head and glanced at the time, knowing that Su Yiru was coming soon, she lay down to sleep quickly.

  Force yourself not to think about anything anymore.


  Luxury golf course.

  Thousands of slopes on the green ground, a few estranged figures are swinging freely and enjoying the elegant sports.

  Yun Xiuquan had a cold face, missed a few shots in a row, and his face became more gloomy.

   "Yu Shao played very poorly today and was a little absent-minded. I remember you used to have amazing skills." A middle-aged entrepreneur next to him glanced at the missed ball by Yu Xiu, and laughed.

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