"Who would dare to laugh at my baby girl, you think too much, dad is gone first, you and Yu Shao probably have more common topics, so I won’t be annoying here."

  Mr. Yang finished speaking, asked his assistant to pack his clubs, and left the golf course.

   "Something happened that day, I left you behind. I heard that you went to see me later." Yu Xiu took a look at the direction Mr. Yang was leaving, and the corner of his mouth smiled.

   lazily sat on the lounge chair and raised his eyebrows.

   "I know, I didn't take it to heart. It's just that you left too suddenly, and then I heard that someone was injured at the banquet. I didn't worry about you, so I went to you and wanted to see if you were okay."

  Yang Meilan wears a delicate little foreign dress, very refreshing, very young, and with a little intellectual beauty.

  There is a trace of the unique temperament of a girl studying art.

  Speaking is neither too fast nor too slow, and the speaking speed is quite comfortable.

   But Yu Xiuzun is not interested.

   After chatting with her a few words, she couldn't help but glance at the time.

  "Are you okay in a while?" Yang Meilan asked cautiously.

  As far as she knows, Yu Xiu Zhun doesn’t like others to ask about his whereabouts.

   "No, do you have a place you want to go?"

  Yun Xiuzhun just about to say something was going on, remembering Mr. Yang’s hint just now, he changed his words temporarily.

  For men, feelings are the least valuable.

  Yang Meilan is still useful to him now, he doesn't mind spending some time with her.

  Even more possibilities for development.

  "I just opened an art gallery on the streets of Poole, Washington. I always wanted to find a chance to see it, but..."

   "Let's go, I'll accompany you." Yu Xiuzhun interrupted her, stood up first, pulled his suit jacket from the back of the chair, and walked out.

  Shopping with women is not a common occurrence for Yu Xiuzhun.

  He has no patience.

  In the past, Yu Yueman often pestered him and asked him to accompany him to buy things. In addition to giving her a card, Yu Xiuzhun almost never accompanied her out.

  Not to mention other women.

  Yun Xiu quasi-changing women is the same as changing clothes. It is impossible to spend any time on any woman.

  Yang Meilan had all inquired about these things, so when she heard that Yu Xiuzhun was willing to accompany her to the gallery, she felt like she was stepping on cotton.

  Until arriving at the gallery, Yang Meilan still felt like she was dreaming.

   Turned his head to look at the handsome man beside him, shyness appeared in his eyes.

   "What's wrong? I'm not feeling well?" Yu Xiuzhun stood by the car door, glanced at Yang Meilan, who had been keeping her head down, and raised her eyebrows.

   "No, I'm okay, let's go in." Yang Meilan regained consciousness, and quickly walked to him, holding Yu Xiuzun's arm, and entered the gallery.

  I just received the ticket for the visit, and I was preparing to progress to the museum, when Yu Xiuquan’s cell phone rang.

   "What's the matter?" Yu Xiuzun's voice was cold.

  Yang Meilan stood beside him. Through the phone, I could vaguely hear what Miss Ye, what hospital...

   Then within a few seconds, Yu Xiuzun hung up the phone and turned to look at her.

   "Excuse me, I have something to do temporarily, I have to leave first, and you can watch it slowly." Yu Xiuzhun threw a word, without even waiting for Yang Meilan to say a word, turned around and left the gallery.

  The dazzling sports car was out of sight for an instant.

  Leaving a sluggish Yang Meilan, standing alone in the gallery hall, holding two visit tickets in her hand, the moment before she was still happy that she was unique in Yu Xiuzhun's heart.

  The hand tightened sharply, and the finger bones turned white.


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