She was at the Shan’s dinner, watching Brigadier General Ye Mingmei carried away by her own eyes.

  But Jin Chenye caught up with him.

  I don’t know what happened to these three people, which would cause Ye Mingmei’s injury, so she was sent to the hospital.

   "Are you ready for everything you buy?"

  "Everything is ready, Miss, the fruit basket you want is in the trunk." The driver replied respectfully.

   Push the door to get off immediately.

   brought out the fruit basket in the trunk, followed Yang Meilan, and entered the hospital.

  After registering at the front desk of the hospital, I went to the VIP ward on the top floor.

   Ye Mingmei received a call from the front desk, saying that when Yang Meilan came to visit her, she was a little stunned.

  After she recovered, Yang Meilan had already arrived at the door of the ward.

  "Ms. Ye, I heard that you are not in good health. I don't worry, so I will come and visit. It won't interrupt your rest, right?" Yang Meilan immediately laughed when she saw Ye Mingmei lying on the hospital bed.

  Bright smile, but also a hint of apology.

   took the fruit basket from the driver, walked forward, and put it on the table.

  Politely greeted Su Yiru in the ward.

  "Hello Aunt Ye, I have seen your design before and I like it very much. I am lucky to see you today." Yang Meilan's mouth is as sweet as wiping honey.

  "My dad once praised your design, so if I don’t know how to paint well, I might as well follow you to learn design."

"That's your dad being polite. You sit down first, and I will inform the doctor to ask about Mingmei's situation." Su Yiru smiled and replied, seeing that Yang Meilan seemed to have something to say, she turned around and left the ward, giving space to her. To them.

   "How did Miss Yang know that I was hospitalized?" Ye Mingmei asked softly.

  She actually wanted to ask Yang Meilan why she thought of seeing her, but it seemed too rude to ask.

  The words suddenly changed their meanings.

"You forgot, I was there at the dinner that day, but I didn't expect that Xiu Zhun would suddenly act on Miss Ye and hurt Miss Ye. After I knew it, I was very guilty, so I came here today. I actually wanted to Apologize to Miss Ye."

  Yang Meilan said something very sincere.

  The body still leaned forward slightly, making an apology to Ye Mingmei.

   "...It's none of your business, you don't need to be like this." Ye Mingmei was a little confused.

  No one knew about her being injured by Yu Xiuzhun. How did Yang Meilan know?

  Is Yu Xiuzhun told her?

  Even if she was really injured by Yu Xiuzhun, it would not be Yang Meilan's turn to apologize.

  Ye Mingmei looked at Yang Meilan with an apologetic face in front of her, always feeling unspeakable awkwardness.

"The matter of correcting is my business. We are dating and may soon be engaged. I originally brought me to the banquet, just to let everyone adjust in advance. Who knew that I would accidentally hurt Miss Ye, I'm really sorry. "


  Communication, engagement.

   Ye Mingmei was stunned.

  The beautiful eyes widened suddenly, revealing a slight shock.

  They are going to get engaged. No wonder Yang Meilan shouted Yu Xiuzun so affectionately.


  No woman has dared to call him like this.

  Presumably Yu Xiuzhun also likes Yang Meilan, otherwise she would not let her call herself that way.

  Ye Ming's eyebrows frowned slightly, and the unspeakable feeling came from the bottom of my heart.

  I was dull for a long time before opening my lips faintly.

   "Congratulations, congratulations to you..."

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