365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1872: Get back what belongs to me

  Too much thinking about it, I can’t understand, Ye Mingmei has been tossing and turning for a long time, and can't sleep.

  The evil and enchanting face in Yu Xiuzhun's mind...


  Western restaurant.

  "Miss Qin, please here, Master Xi has been waiting for you for a long time." As soon as Qin Youxuan walked into the restaurant, someone greeted her and showed her the way respectfully.

  Qin Youxuan's eyes flickered, and she didn't say anything, just followed.

  Walking to a window in the lobby, she saw Shan Hanxi in a white suit with a small red rose on her neckline, sitting there waiting for her like a prince.

   Seeing Qin Youxuan appear, Shan Hanxi moved quickly, pushing the wheelchair closer to her, and the gentleman opened the chair for her.

  The thoughtful behavior, there was no change in the slightest because of his abandoning of his legs.

   "You asked me out, what do you want to say?"

  Qin Youxuan's bright cat eyes flickered slightly, and he looked surprised to choose the location here instead of Shan Hanxi in the box.

  "The vision here is very broad. When eating, you can overlook the entire commercial city." Shan Hanxi seemed to see her doubts, and the gentle voice sounded slowly.

  After his words fell, Qin Youxuan followed his gaze and looked out.

  The western restaurant on the top floor, next to the east window, has a really wide view. From this position, the entire financial street can be seen in the eye, giving people a sense of grandeur that everything is in the chest.

   "I thought you made a special trip to invite me out, not as simple as to see the scenery." Qin Youxuan picked up the water glass on the table, took a sip, looked a little faint.

  When Shan Hanxi received the call, Shan Hanjie had not yet returned to the villa.

  Qin Youxuan always thought that they were still holding the shareholders meeting, and suddenly received a call from Shan Hanxi, and she knew that the meeting had ended.

   Needless to say, Shan Hanxi’s reason for looking for her must be related to the just-concluded Shan’s shareholder meeting.

  Hesitated, Qin Youxuan agreed to stay for the appointment.

  "Order first. Don't talk about business when you eat. You are too skinny. You should eat more." Shan Hanxi thoughtfully handed the menu to Qin Youxuan.


  Qin Youxuan glanced at the surrounding environment, and the cat's eyes narrowed, always feeling that there was something wrong with the atmosphere of the two people sitting here eating Western food.

   Looking at Dan Hanxi's calmness, if she is too entangled in these small details, now she has a ghost in her heart.

  Taking a deep breath, Qin Youxuan ordered herself a steak.

  "Two identical steaks, and another bottle of selected Bordeaux." Shan Hanxi handed the menu to the waiter, opening his lips indifferently.

  Steak and red wine were delivered soon, and Shan Hanxi pushed a glass of wine to Qin Youxuan.

   "Come, have a drink with me, and celebrate that I finally want to get back what belongs to me."


  Qin Youxuan stared at the wine glass in front of him, stunned in his heart, and raised his head in surprise.

   "I forgot to tell you that the shareholders meeting ended smoothly, and I will get my shares back soon."

   "Shan Hanjie promised to return the shares to you?" Qin Youxuan opened her mouth slightly, a little surprised.

   "I cannot help him not return the things that belong to me. As long as I successfully obtain the shares of Shan's Group, I will be the largest shareholder. I can do everything that I promised you."

  Dan Hanxi stretched out his hand and held Qin Youxuan's hand, his eyes were affectionate.


  Qin Youxuan was taken aback, quickly withdrew her hand, raised her eyebrows, "Just got the shares back, what about the president of Shan Group?"

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