Leaves a butler who can't respond to God for a while, staring at the direction he left in a daze, with a face of disbelief.

  Yu Shao This is to pick up Miss Ye and leave the hospital. Didn't you even care about the business that was finally negotiated?


  Hospital building.

   "Ms. Ye, your health is no longer any problem, and you can be discharged at any time." The nurse helped Ye Mingmei tidy everything up, a respectful reminder.

   "Okay, I see, thank you."

  Ye Mingmei changed her clothes and finally took off the blue and white sick clothes she was tired of. She felt like she had come back to life again, and smiled happily.

   "Ms. Ye, you have a lot of things. Do you need to call your family to inform your family?" The nurse glanced at the ward with Ye Mingmei alone, and asked a little worried.

"No, they are very busy. I have recovered. I just took a taxi home. I'm OK with this little problem. You don't need to worry about me." Ye Mingmei said, digging out the phone and calling the driver of the Ye family After receiving the phone call, he picked up the nurse's packed luggage and went downstairs.

  Out of the hospital gate, put the box on the side of the road and wait for the bus.


   Ye Mingmei was waiting for the Ye family's car to come and pick her up, and a dazzling sports car stopped in front of her.

  When she realized whose car it was, her body suddenly stiffened.

  Recovery in the next second, just pick up the box, turn around and leave.

  Just a few steps, the door of the car was pushed open.

  Yun Xiuzun’s long legs caught up with her in a few strides, reached out and clasped her wrist, and pulled the person in front of him.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, this is the street, are you shameless enough to grab people in the street?!"

   Ye Mingmei wanted to shake off his hand, but couldn't shake it off, so she yelled anxiously.

   "I'm shameless, do you want it? Don't yell if you want, or I can do all the shameless things, and I'm afraid I will hurt you by then."

  Yun Xiuzun got used to her resistance, coldly, every word.


  Ye Mingmei choked at once, staring at him with wide eyes in astonishment, as if she had never expected such a shameless person.

  Yun Xiuquan's shamelessness is beyond her imagination.

  She originally wanted to let him retreat, but who knew that she was choked to speak.

  "Why didn't you notify someone to come and pick you up when you left the hospital? Get in the car and I'll drive you back." Yu Xiuzhun looked at her frightened white cheeks, raised her eyebrows, and explained lightly.

  He didn't plan to do anything to her, she didn't need to see him like hell.

   "I notified the driver of the Ye family, you don't need to be nosy." Ye Mingmei said, reaching out and touching her left cheek.

  The bruise on her face hasn't subsided yet, and it's still bluish.

  Yun Xiuzun is the culprit. She hasn't heard an apology until now, who wants to get in his car.

  "Face still hurts?" Yu Xiuzun caught a glimpse of her movement, raised his eyebrows, and reached out to touch her face uneasy.

  As soon as he stretched out his hand, Ye Mingmei slapped it heavily.

  "Don't touch me!"


  Yu Xiuquan was startled, and looked down at the back of her hand that was being slapped red, and Ye Mingmei, who was wary of him, choked her chest.

  Damn woman, he left his job and came to pick her up from the hospital. Is she showing him this deadly attitude?

  It was really three days without cleaning up, and in a blink of an eye, I went to the house to reveal the tiles.

  "Yu Xiuzhun, you already have another woman, why can't you let me go?" Ye Mingmei asked Yang Meilan's words subconsciously.

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