Yang Meilan was stunned all of a sudden, watching him disappear into the stairs in a stupefied manner.

  After a while, I just stood there blankly, not knowing how to react.

  She was just left behind.

   Same as every time before.

  When Ye Mingmei appeared, Yu Xiuzun's eyes were no longer her shadow.

   "Miss Yang, Yu Shao may not be free now, or I will send you back first?" The butler walked to Yang Meilan's side and asked respectfully.



  Yun Xiuzun kicked open the door of the room and carried Ye Mingmei back to his room.

  Put her on the bed, and saw her sleeping comfortably under the quilt before sitting on the side of the bed, watching her quietly, feeling extremely calm.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, you go away... don't want to see you..."

   Ye Mingmei rubbed her face against the bed, her lips moved, and she grumbled.

  Exit, the man who was in a good mood will turn black in an instant.

  She even rushed to drive him away in her dreams, how much he was unwelcome to her? !

   "You let go, don't block my way..." Ye Mingmei murmured again, this time with her body movements, and she kicked Yu directly.

  Yun Xiu was caught off guard and almost kicked out of bed by her.

  My eyebrows sank, and when he turned over, he pressed down on her.

   "I can't breathe..." Ye Mingmei slept in a dazed state, and couldn't tell whether it was a reality or a dream.

  Opened his eyes and slapped Yu Xiuzun’s face. As soon as the small hand was thrown out, the wrist was pinched.

   "Sleep well if you want to sleep, don't force me to clean up you!" Yu Xiuzhun pinched her weak boneless hand and gritted her teeth.

  If it weren’t for seeing her too tired, he really didn’t want her to sleep.

   "Dreams are so fierce, no wonder it's annoying." Ye Mingmei shrank her little hand and put it back in the quilt, the boss with an upset look.

   grumbled and went to sleep.


  Yu Xiuzhun, who was disgusted by her, was completely stunned.

   gritted his teeth fiercely, got up from the bed, turned around and left the bedroom.

   went downstairs and saw Yang Meilan still sitting on the sofa in the living room, only to remember that there is such a person.

   "You haven't left yet."

  Yun Xiuzhun stepped forward, his stalwart body sank into the sofa.

   Place one arm diagonally on the back cushion, draw a cigarette with long fingers, light it lazily, and take a deep breath.

  A faint blue smoke hovered on the handsome face of the man, revealing a layer of alienation that no one could see through.

  "Do you...like Ye Mingmei?"

  Yang Meilan pinched her thigh and asked emotionally.

  The moment she saw Yu Xiuzhun holding Ye Mingmei upstairs, she actually broke down.

   But it's a ghost, just don't want to leave.

  Even if she knew that staying might only make her angry, she just didn’t want to leave.

  After all, there is a cooperation case with the Yang family, and she has a glimmer of hope.

  Yu Xiuzun is just looking at the cooperation case between the two companies, and she will not be too bad for her.

  Until now, the first sentence he spoke was actually asking her why she hadn’t left.

  Yang Meilan’s effort to comfort herself is like being poured from the head by a basin of ice water.

  "My business, it seems that I don't need to explain to you." Yu Xiuzhun's eyes flashed, Xie Ning glanced at Yang Meilan, and opened her lips indifferently.


  Yang Meilan was relieved when he heard him say this.

  Don't admit it, it means that he doesn't like Ye Mingmei that much, maybe it's just a momentary novelty.

   "I don't mean to interfere with your private affairs, I'm just curious."

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