Qin Youxuan was thinking about how to convince the men around him, when the housekeeper came in from outside, "Jie Shao, Master Xian Xian is here."

   "A guest is coming!"

  Qin Youxuan pushed him away, got up from the sofa, and quickly stretched out his hand to tidy up his clothes.

  Shan Hanjie pushed her to the sofa.

   "It's not that I haven't seen it before, don't worry about him."

   "At any rate, I was invited to help, can you have a better attitude?" Qin Youxuan looked at him speechlessly.

  When she saw Fifth Chosen appear alone carrying the medicine box, Qin Youxuan's face collapsed.

   "Where is Ruihua? Why did you come here alone?"

   "I'm not enough alone?" Fifth Chosen walked forward, put the medicine box on the table, and raised his eyebrows unhappy.

   "Oh, looking at this posture, it is a quarrel, and the rhythm has not been reconciled. I said that the fifth genius doctor, coaxing a girl is the same as treating a disease. It is too masculine to prescribe the right medicine."

  Qin Youxuan stepped forward and looked left and right. Seeing that Fifth Chosen's face was so stinky, she quickly came to a conclusion.

   "Just say a few words, I won't treat you as dumb." Fifth Chosen walked to the sofa and sat down, the silver-white Zitong gleaming with a dark light, looking at Shan Hanjie.

   "I have already watched the video you gave me. Shan Hanxi's situation should be the same as you guessed it, and I boldly guess that his body is not recovering at all, but declining."


  Dan Hanjie and Qin Youxuan's expressions changed at the same time.

"what do you mean?"

  "His body is at the end of the battle, let alone managing the group, it is just a peace of mind, it may not be good, and how long he can live is unknown."

  Fifth Chosen's indifferent lips, cold tone, revealing ruthlessness.

   "See it for yourself."

  Fifth, choose leisure to put a disc on the table, and signal the housekeeper to show it.

  "It's just the first video of Shan Hanxi exposed in front of the media." Qin Youxuan saw it before and recognized it at a glance.

  "The focus is not on the content of the video, but on the people in it. Have you noticed that Shan Hanxi's face was normal at first, but after less than three minutes of appearing in front of the media, his face turned pale."

  The fifth long finger of Xianxian nodded on the temple, propped his head.

   "His physique is very weak, and even starts to breathe hard when he gets to a crowded place, indicating that his cardiopulmonary function is likely to be problematic."


   "Look here again." Fifth Chosen freezes the picture of the video at the press conference.

"I remember that the press conference ended in less than half an hour before and after. Such a short period of time, normally speaking, is a patient whose body is recovering. It will not have much impact, not to mention the whole process of the press conference. Shan Hanxi only said a word, but look at his back."

  Fifth Chosen walked forward and pointed on the screen.

  "Dan Hanxi's shirt was wet on the back. Although his assistant deliberately tried to cover up for him, the difference in color can be seen at a glance. Dan Hanxi should have been sweating at the time."

  Fifth Chosen paused, "Pale face, poor breathing, night sweats...Such symptoms are definitely not what Shan Hanxi said. His body is recovering. I am pretty sure that he is lying."

   "...That's not certain, his body is dying." Qin Youxuan frowned and tried to remember.

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