"Jie Shao, it has been confirmed that Shan Yi is really dead, not a rumor." Yao hung up the phone, turned around, and replied respectfully.

"According to what we heard, Shan Yi had a conflict with several prisoners in the same detention center. He was pushed against the wall by the other party. Unexpectedly, he hit the back of his head, causing massive intracranial hemorrhage. He was not found in time. The next day When I realized something was wrong, the body was already cold."


  Dan Hanjie squinted the evil eyes, and the demon's face was covered with a layer of ice.

   "How can there be such a coincidence, a good person, if you say nothing, it will be gone. Although Shan Yi has done a lot of evil, he was just about to be sentenced, and an accident happened all of a sudden. I always feel that something is wrong."

  Qin Youxuan's face was a little pale, and her bright cat eyes looked at Shan Hanjie who was silent.

   "This is not an accident." Shan Hanjie was silent for a long time before opening his lips faintly.

   "Check, I want to know who is in the same room with Shan Yi, and who has been in contact with before."

   "Yes, the subordinates will check it out."

  Yao respectfully nodded, turned around and walked out.

"Who do you suspect? Shan Yi is usually very cruel to people and things. I think there are many people who want his life. I am afraid it is not so easy to find out." Qin Youxuan stood in front of Shan Hanjie and grabbed it with a small hand. Up his arm.

  Dan Hanjie’s reaction was a little strange, like an accident, but also as expected.

  He has a very low and strange aura all over his body.

   "Dan Hanxi." Shan Hanjie's thin lips opened slightly, and he indifferently squeezed out a name.


Qin Youxuan shook her body, raised her head suddenly, and stared at the cat's eyes, "Shan Yi is about to be sentenced, let alone more than ten years of punishment. At this time, is it necessary to take such a big risk to attack him? ?"

"For Shan Hanxi, as long as Shan Yi is still alive, it is a threat. What's more, both Shan Yi and I are the murderers who killed Shan Rong. Now that Shan Hanxi wants revenge, how could he let Shan Yi go. "

  Shan Yi is not dead, and Shan Hanxi will not give up.

  With such a good opportunity now, how could Shan Hanxi let it go.

  If a prisoner died, he still died in some unimportant disputes. As long as the members of the single family do not pursue the investigation, they will be investigated. I am afraid that nothing can be found.

   "If Shan Hanxi really let people kill Shan Yi, then his next target is you..." Qin Youxuan's eyes tightened, her small hand nervously grabbed the hem of Shan Hanjie's clothes and bit her lip.

   "Don't be afraid, just want to kill me, and it depends on whether he has that chance. Just as he is now, even if he gives him a gun, he may not be able to pull the trigger."

  Dan Hanjie reached out and took Qin Youxuan into his arms, rubbing her little head with his big hand.

   "You forgot what Fifth Chosen said, Shan Hanxi's body is declining, and within a month, he will not even be able to sit up."

   "...but I heard the fifth option, you don't seem to want to die alone, do you?" Qin Youxuan lifted his head from his arms and muttered lowly.

   "Seeing him become what he is now, are you softened? You are brothers after all."

  Once Shan Hanjie was in the most painful time, Qin Youxuan looked at Shan Hanjie who was ill, and could not wait for Shan Rong and Shan Hanxi to die.

   But now Shan Rong and Shan Yi are dead, and the power of the Shan family has all fallen into the hands of their two brothers.

  If you can let go of the hatred, no matter who takes over the single family, it is a good thing.

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