But from the very beginning, Shan Yi wanted to use him to check and balance Shan Rong. For so many years, in Shan Yi's eyes, he was just a pawn.

   is useless, you can discard it at any time.

  If it hadn’t been for him to make arrangements, I’m afraid it would have died either in Shan Rong’s hands or Shan Yi’s hands.

  Especially the last car accident. As long as Qin Youxuan almost lost her life in order to save him, Shan Hanjie would like to kill Shan Yi with a thousand swords.

   "I have no sympathy for him, just a little emotional."

  Life is so fragile, they should cherish every day and the people they love.

  If there hadn’t been the last car accident, she would not have realized her heart. Perhaps at this time, she would make mistakes again and again, pushing Shan Hanjie further.

   Thinking of this, Qin Youxuan turned around, hugged Shan Hanjie's waist behind him, and buried her small head in his arms.

   "Shan Hanjie, I love you."

  Qin Youxuan said in a dull voice.


  Shan Hanjie's body stiffened, and he was stunned for a few seconds before he realized what she had just said.

  The arms holding Qin Youxuan tightened sharply, and forced her into his arms.

  The coquettish Zitong gleamed with a beautiful light. After shining, he gritted his teeth and said, "Next time you confess, you are not allowed to be in this crowded place!"


  Where did he think of going?

  Qin Youxuan's face is slightly red, and she can't lift her head more and more, and simply hides in his arms.

  The little head rubbed Shan Hanjie's chest, and the blue veins violently violently smashed his forehead. Sweat dripped down the demon's face, and he almost couldn't help but rectify her on the spot.

  Looking at the crowd around him and the reporters crouching outside, he squinted unhappy.

  Damn it!

  This grinning little wild cat, she definitely did it on purpose.

  "Don't move!" Shan Hanjie lowered his head and attached it to her ear, gritting his teeth.


  Qin Youxuan clearly noticed the change in his body temperature, and her bright cat eyes blinked innocently. After she realized what was happening, her face blushed and was bleeding quickly.

   "Shan Hanjie, this is a public place, what are you thinking about?!"

   "You seduce me, and blame me?" Shan Hanjie raised his eyebrows, and his charming face was covered with sweat and became even more charming.

  Deep facial features, like the most perfect work of God.

  In the faint light, the brilliance of Ru porcelain can be seen through.

  The noble breath, even when playing a rogue, it carries an irresistible magical power.

   "Where do I have!" Qin Youxuan was about to defend herself, and swallowed back at Shan Hanjie's dangerous black eyes.

  The man at this time must not be offended.

  In case of anxiousness, it is her who is ashamed.

  Qin Youxuan's petite body was stiff for him to hold, and now she didn't even dare to move.

   "Should we go there?"

  Qin Youxuan pointed in the direction of Shan Hanxi.

  Shan Hanxi has finished collecting Shan Yi's corpse. They should be able to take Shan Yi away now.

  Dan Hanjie took a deep breath, and the enchanting Zitong slightly converged, leading Qin Youxuan and walked towards Shan Hanxi.

   took the receipt from Shan Hanxi and handed it to Yao who was beside him.

   "Send the person back to the manor, order the butler to arrange the funeral and notify other people to attend."

   "Yes, the subordinates will make arrangements."

  Yao took the order, leaned over respectfully, and retired.

  Dan Hanjie clasped Qin Youxuan's waist with one hand, glanced down at Shan Hanxi who was sitting in the wheelchair, his face was a little pale, and his eyes flashed.

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