365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1927: I haven't regretted it

In addition to gentleness, there is a touch of guilt in the eyes.

   solidified on Xiao Tingye’s cheek.

   Slowly raised his head and looked at Rui Hua, "I regret it."


   Rui Hua stiffened and looked at her abruptly.

  Facing Qin Youxuan's bright cat eyes, she moved her lips, speechless.

  Did she misheard it?

   "You heard it right, I really regretted it. Just when I finished giving birth, Shan Hanjie hugged me tightly and told me that I would never have a baby again."

  Qin Youxuan's palms were tight, her eyes moist.

   "He was trembling at the time, and even his voice changed. I have never seen him look so scared..."

  At that moment, she knew how much her willful decision was a burden for Shan Hanjie.

  She thought it was a good thing for him, but for Shan Hanjie, it might not be the best.

   "But you won the bet. Looking at Xiao Tingye, would you still regret the original decision?" Rui Wei opened his mouth slightly in shock.

   "But what if I lose the bet?"


"Have you ever thought about it. In your opinion, it is just a child. Fifth Chosen is not willing to accompany you to work hard. You can blame him, you can feel regretful, but don't think that he is not loving you enough, on the contrary , Because I love too much, so I can't bear the risk of losing a little bit."


"If you lose, the most serious consequence is that you lose your life. In your opinion, it is your own choice. You are not afraid. The fifth choice should not be stopped. But you never thought about it. You bet The one who can't afford to lose is the fifth choice!"

  Qin Youxuan paused.

"If it weren't for that car accident, Shan Hanjie would almost die in front of me. I might never have known it. I watched the pain of my loved one struggling on the edge of life and death, but I could do nothing about it. At that time, I really hated myself. I never really thought about the selfish decisions made for Shan Hanjie."

  Blindly give the other person what he thinks is the best, but never thought that he never wants a life without regrets, all he wants is her.

  Qin Youxuan always thinks of that time, her chest is suffocated and out of breath.

   "I just want a baby, not as dangerous as you think..." Rui Hua frowned.

  "Compared with the fifth choice, is he more important, or is a baby who hasn't appeared yet?" Qin Youxuan asked back.

   "..." Rui Wei's eyes flashed, and she remained silent.

  An answer does not need to be answered at all.

"No matter how much I say, it's just a comfort. The one who really wants to understand is you." Qin Youxuan patted the back of her hand, "While the fifth choice is also there, if I really don't feel happy, it's better to ask. clear."

   "There is no misunderstanding between us, and it is useless to ask." Rui Huan responded.

  The most uncomfortable thing about her is that Fifth Chosen did such an excessive thing without even asking her opinion.

   "Then you should listen to his explanation, and you can't even give him the opportunity to speak."

   "Why even you started to help him? I remember you hated him as much as I did." Rui Wei muttered aggrievedly.

  She was obviously the one who was being bullied. In the end, it seemed that everyone thought she was making trouble.

  Rui Wei didn't mention how aggrieved it was.

   "You also know how much you hated No. 5 Xianxian before, but now you don't want to blush because you can't give others a child." Qin Youxuan joked.

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