365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1931: Father and son in full aura

"If you don't hit you, you are crying, idiot." Fifth Chosen shook her bitten arm, gently brushed her long finger across her cheek, wiped away the tears for her, and rubbed her with distress. Little head.

  Push the person into his arms.

   "It's my fault, don't cry."

  I can’t coax her own woman, she is really useless.

  The fifth option is lost to this little idiot.

   A tendon in his head, but his temper is as stubborn as a cow.

   "You don't understand what I'm angry at, so I don't want to accept your apology." Rui Wei pushed him away, wiped two tears indiscriminately, and raised his head stubbornly.

  "Don't talk to me anyway, I don't want to discuss this with you now."

  After finishing speaking, Rui Hua sniffed, controlled his emotions, and stepped out of the room.

   turned around and entered the next room, closed the door, and dropped the lock.

   Retract in the bed and force yourself to sleep with your eyes closed.


  Fifth Xian looked at her back, waved his hand and punched the wall, gritting his teeth fiercely.


  Early the next morning, everyone got up very early.

  When Qin Youxuan went downstairs, he saw Rui Hua with red and swollen eyes, and the fifth Chosen sitting on the other side of the sofa with a black face.

   was taken aback.

  The bright cat eyes, looking back and forth between the two people.

  After watching for a long time, I didn't see what happened.

   But looking at the atmosphere and the distance between the two people, there should be no reconciliation.

  I can just sit on a sofa calmly, and it should have reached a certain consensus.

   "You just rushed back from Germany yesterday, why don't you sleep a little longer?" Qin Youxuan hesitated for a second, Tibu walked towards Rui Hua, and reached out to touch her cheek.

  The cold touch made Qin Youxuan frowned.

   "I'm not tired. Today is not Shan Yi's funeral. I am ready. I will accompany you later and see if Shan Hanxi will attend."

   Rui Hua pulled down her hand and spoke lightly.

   looked over Qin Youxuan and looked at Shan Hanjie who walked down from the upper floor holding Xiao Tingye.

  The little guy who is less than one year old has a delicate face and Shan Hanjie carved out of a mold.

  A pair of big talking eyes blinked, revealing agility, the small body obediently leaned on Shan Hanjie's shoulder, but the corner of his eyes kept looking forward.

  One big and one small, nothing was done, but it was like a full aura.


   "Does Tingye go too? He is still so young!" Rui Wei stood up from the sofa, stepped towards Shan Hanjie, and reached out to take the little guy in his arms.


  Xiao Tingye shook his small fist, big obsidian eyes, with a hint of cunning.

   was hugged by Rui Wei, but instead looked in Qin Youxuan's direction, her immature voice, with a hint of eagerness, wanted Qin Youxuan to hug.

   "Your mother can't run. Aunt Rui Wei hasn't seen you for a long time, so call auntie soon!" Rui Wei lifted the little guy in his arms, puffed up her cheeks and pretended to be angry.

  The little guy who is less than one year old already has a lot of vision.

  The **** eyes glanced at Qin Youxuan's direction, and then at Rui Hua.

   Brows and chuckles.

  Small mouth pursed, Xiao Jun's face moved forward, and he kissed Rui Wei hard, his little arm wrapped around Rui Wei's neck.


  The soft and waxy voice made people feel soft.

  Rui Hua was stunned at the moment, his body looked like a plaster, completely immobile.

  Who will tell her, how small little evildoer was brought up?

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