365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1939: Where do I want to live? !

  Fifth Chosen, the silver-white child pupil flashed, and his lips opened indifferently.

"You mean, Shan Hanxi's body is not good at all, he is just using drugs to support his body?" Qin Youxuan opened her mouth slightly in shock, her pretty face couldn't be concealed. Shock.

  This is how much you are not afraid of death to dare to take such a risk.

  With Shan Hanxi's body, he can live an extra day, and he has already made money. He actually dared to take medicine randomly.

   "It seems that his attachment to hatred is far deeper than we thought." Shan Hanjie's eyes flashed, and his tone was cold.

  "More than that, I think he doesn't want to live anymore. Taking this medicine once will definitely be a devastating blow to his current physical burden." Fifth Chosen snorted coldly.

  He was still thinking that with Shan Hanxi's willpower, maybe he could live longer.

  But at such a desperate level, he can carry it for a month, which is already the ultimate.

  "Apart from confirming that he took the drugs, is there anything else to discover?" Shan Hanjie motioned to Yao to drive, turned around, and stopped Qin Youxuan in his arms.

   "There is no other discovery, but it will soon be, he is not going to deliver it to the door himself." Fifth Chosen raised his eyebrows and looked at the RV that followed them.

  The two cars are less than 500 meters apart. Shan Hanxi is really determined to live in a private villa.

  No one can guess what he is doing.

   "If he is like this, he is really going to die, and you dare not let him die, otherwise you will be the first person to be suspected." Fifth Select Xian raised his eyes and looked at Shan Hanjie.

   "Then we just thought of being together, I'm afraid he will die too early."

"Shan Rong’s will has always been a scourge. According to me, the opportunity is rare now. Shan Hanxi delivered it to the door by himself. It’s better to fulfill him, let him become a vegetable and lie on the hospital bed with peace of mind. You, the brother, also I can safely support him for a lifetime."

  Fifth Xian Xian's eyes dimmed, and a gloomy light shot up from the bottom of his eyes.

  Dan Hanxi’s previous whereabouts have always been mysterious. They have no chance to get close at all. Now living together, Fifth Chosen wants to start, and there are opportunities.

   "I feel something is wrong, Shan Han Ximing knows that he hates him, and may even attack him. How could he live so fearlessly of death? I always feel that he is still hiding a hand."

   Ruihua bit her lip, pondered for a while, and spoke seriously.

   "What if he just waits for us to make a move, and then comes a trick?"


  Ruihua's words fell, and the car fell into silence.

  Everyone looked at each other and didn't say anything for a while.

  The car stopped steadily outside the gate of the villa.

   "Jie Shao, the guest room has been cleaned up. Because Xi Shao’s legs are not convenient, it is arranged on the first floor, next to Master Xianxian’s room."

  The butler received the news and waited outside the gate in advance.

"I know."

  Dan Hanjie took Qin Youxuan out of the car, did not let her down, and walked straight towards the villa, holding her straight.

   "Living next door to Fifth Choicexian... Isn't that my room? Then where do I want to live?!" Rui Hua later reacted with inferiority and glanced sideways at the housekeeper.

   "Ms. Rui Wei, the grandmother said, Master Xianxian’s room is big enough, and it’s just right for you to move in together, so you don’t have to bother to go to the second floor." The housekeeper bit his head and repeated Qin Youxuan’s instructions.

   "Young grandma..." Rui Wei repeated it blankly, and then suddenly raised her head.

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