365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1951: Is it okay to block yourself? !

   "Well, I got it." Qin Youxuan's cat eyes flickered slightly and put down the little guy in his arms.

  Looking at him waving his small arms and trying to walk by himself, he couldn't help but smile.

  "The more frustrated you are, the more courage you are, and you are not afraid of falling."

   "Mom hug!" As soon as Xiao Tingye heard Qin Youxuan's words, his soft body turned and plunged directly into Qin Youxuan's arms.

  Qin Youxuan was stunned, and looked down at him suspiciously.

  The little guy who carved the jade and encircled her neck with two chubby hands eagerly, like a small cotton ball, sticking to her body all the time.

what's happenin?

  The little guy rarely sticks to her so much, not to mention that he was still learning to walk happily just now.

   "Jie Shao."

  The nanny next to him saw Shan Hanjie striding along, and bowed his head respectfully to say hello.

  Qin Youxuan raised her head, only to notice that Shan Hanjie did not know when she had already walked in front of her.

   Looking down at the little guy rubbing in her arms again, she couldn't help but laugh.

   "Come here, dad hold me."

  Shan Hanjie's enchanting child pupil flickered slightly, staring at him when he appeared, he began to cling to Qin Youxuan's little guy, gritted his teeth with hatred.

  Why did he give birth to a son to add to himself? !

   "No, mother hug." The little guy spoke very clearly to express his opinions.

  The small hand tightened Qin Youxuan's neck harder.

  The delicate little face was stained with a layer of crimson, and the anxious forehead began to sweat.

  I was afraid that Shan Hanjie would come up to grab someone from him.

  "Okay, mother hug, Tingye let go, you are strangling mother." Qin Youxuan gently coaxed the little guy in his arms.

   "It hurts, whirr..." As soon as she heard Qin Youxuan scream, Ting Ye released her hand, pouting her small mouth nervously, and blowing into Qin Youxuan's neck.

  A well-behaved and sensible appearance, very cute.

Seeing him let go, Shan Hanjie took a step forward and took him out of Qin Youxuan's arms and put him directly behind him.

   "Take the young master back to the room."

   "Mother." The little guy pouted aggrievedly, his big crystal eyes blinked, and he stretched out his arms towards Qin Youxuan.

   "You are weaned. What kind of mother do you want? Find your daughter-in-law."

   "Shan Hanjie!"

  Qin Youxuan punched him in the chest and reached out to hug her son.

  Listening to what he said, her son was less than one year old, so he asked himself to find his wife.

"It's rare for me to be at home. This stinky boy is obviously fighting against me. I don't believe you didn't see it." Shan Hanjie glared at the small glutinous rice dumpling in Qin Youxuan's arms. His black eyes were like a deep pool, revealing people The light of heart palpitations.


  Qin Youxuan swallowed her saliva and looked at the big sly eyes of the little guy.

   "Hey, hug!"

  As soon as Qin Youxuan was found to be shaken, the little guy, the little fat man, put his hands firmly around her neck, put his mouth together, and kissed Qin Youxuan.

  The big watery eyes are incomparably innocent and lovely.

  No one can bear to refuse.

   "Shan Hanjie, Tingye is still young, you have to be more generous..."

"To shut up!"

Shan Hanjie cursed in a low voice, stepped forward, took the little guy out of Qin Youxuan's arms, and threw it to the nanny.

   "Take him back to the room. If he dared to cry, throw away his model car. If he still cries, there will be no milk to drink tonight. Hungry him all night!"


  The little guy who just grinned and was about to fake cry, was stunned.

  On the small face made of powdered jade, there is obvious shock.

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