In the warm eyes, there is affection that no one understands.

  This is the first time he likes a girl, from watching her wild and untamable, to the maternal tenderness now...

  Dan Hanxi has never been so jealous of Shan Hanjie, jealous of someone he can easily own, and he can’t even desire for a lifetime.

  Dan Hanxi stretched out one hand in front of Qin Youxuan, and the other hand tightly grasped the armrest of the wheelchair, his expression remained motionless, he could not see anything, but the sweat in his palm was sticky.

   "Young lady, did you call me just now?"

  After several minutes, the housekeeper hurried out of the kitchen and stood respectfully in front of Qin Youxuan.

   still holding a glass of water in his hand.

  Seeing the picture in front of him clearly, the butler was also stunned.

   "It's okay, you can go ahead and work." Qin Youxuan suddenly recovered, grabbed the grabbing hem, and calmed himself down.

   is just a glass of water.

   "Yes." The butler put down the water glass and left soon.

  Qin Youxuan looked up at Shan Hanxi. Instead of picking up the tissues in his hand, she stood up straight and prepared to enter the kitchen for breakfast.

   "Does you feel disgusted even if you say something to me?"

  Dan Hanxi's low voice, with a trace of loneliness, sounded behind her.

   Knowing his feelings, she will never respond, and never expect her to respond.

   But Qin Youxuan's indifference easily caused his heart to ache.

  Dan Hanxi's face gradually turned pale.

   is the kind of ugly dead white.


  Qin Youxuan paused and turned around.

   looked at him a little bit surprised.

  They all knew the reason why Shan Hanxi lived in a private villa. He was to deal with Shan Hanjie.

  Qin Youxuan has never expressed his opinion and wants to cooperate with him.

  Even, Shan Hanxiby knows that she and Shan Hanjie are husband and wife. How could he think that she should give him a good face?

  Qin Youxuan bit her lip, remembering that she saw his back in the wheelchair yesterday, and a very sad feeling filled her heart.

   "Shan Hanxi, stop it, let go of the hatred, it's not as difficult as you think."

  She didn’t know why she had to tell Shan Hanxi this.

  I just hope that even if everything is too late, he can make his walk easier.

  "Can you really forget that Shan Hanjie killed Ye Zhanxing?" Shan Hanxi's deep eyes flashed, slowly raised his head, and looked at Qin Youxuan seriously.

"Unforgettable." Qin Youxuan bit her lip and spoke honestly, "As long as one person wants to deal with Shan Hanjie, a hundred people will keep reminding me of this, and you all want to use me to go. I know better than anyone to deal with him."


  "The more you are sure that I can deal with Shan Hanjie, it proves that the more he loves me, what reason do I have to hurt a man who loves me more than himself?"

  Qin Youxuan turned around, with a small smile on the corner of her mouth.

   "You keep saying for my good, you want to avenge me, but you never wanted to ask me what I want."


   "I just want a home, I want to accompany Shan Hanjie forever. He can endure all condemnation for me, and I can give up all hatred for him. I am different from you. I know what is most important to me."

  What’s more, she now knows that Shan Hanjie shot her father for the sake of Ting Ye.

  Dan Hanjie never apologized to her.

  She also believes that even if her father is alive, she will definitely not blame him.

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