Dan Hanjie let go of Qin Youxuan's hand, pressed her small head with his big hand, and opened her lips.

   Turned around and walked towards Shan Han west, with an unstoppable killing intent in his eyes.

   "Jie Shao, everyone knows that Xi Shao now lives in a private villa. If something happens to him, you will be the first one to get rid of it!" The assistant stopped in front of Shan Hanxi, speaking in panic.

   "So what? He is dead, and none of you can escape."

  Dan Hanjie’s evil eyes were cold, looking at the bodyguards in front of Shan Hanxi, as if they were all watching the dead.

   There was an unspeakable hostility all over her body.

  This feeling is like when I lost control before.

  Qin Youxuan chuckled in her heart, unable to express her fear.

   stepped forward and held his hand firmly.

   "It's not the time yet, Shan Hanjie..."

   "Steward, take young grandma back to the room!" Shan Hanjie's eyes flashed, turning his head and shouting at the steward.


  The butler stepped up nervously, pulling Qin Youxuan and walking out the door.

   "Shan Hanjie... Butler, let go!" Qin Youxuan looked at the weird atmosphere in the room, how willing to leave.

  Watching Shan Hanjie clenching his fists, he stepped forward to fight with Shan Hanxi's bodyguard.

  A dozen people hit one, and within three minutes, all the bodyguards lay on the ground.

  The furniture in the room has been scrapped, a mess.

  Shan Hanjie stood in the middle of the room, his cold face and bloodthirsty eyes, like the red-eyed Hell Shura, walked towards Shan Hanxi step by step.

   "Jie Shao, if Xi Shao dies, you will definitely get a lawsuit, as well as the legacy left by the old president..." The assistant guarded Shan Hanxi and kept moving back.

  Watching Shan Hanjie approaching them vigilantly, there was an unstoppable panic in his eyes.

  No one has ever seen such a **** Shan Hanjie.

  The assistant wanted to say something, but Shan Hanjie stepped on his chest.

  In the next second, Shan Hanjie grabbed Shan Hanxi's neckline, dragged him in front of him, and raised his fist.

   "Shan Hanjie, wake up!"

  Qin Youxuan was grasped by the housekeeper, and in a hurry, he lowered his head and bit on the housekeeper’s wrist.

   When the butler was stunned, he broke free of his shackles, rushed towards Shan Hanjie in the room, and hugged his waist with both hands.

  "If you continue to fight, he will really die. A dying person is not worth getting your hands dirty!"


  "Shan Hanjie, look at me, I'm fine, and Tingye is fine, he just scared me, nothing happened!" Qin Youxuan grabbed his hand and pressed her cheek.

  The cold touch made Shan Hanjie frowned.

   lowered her head, looking at Qin Youxuan's scared expression, her chest choked.

   "Cat, don't be afraid of me, I won't hurt you."

  Shan Hanjie slowly raised his hand, stroked her cheek with a long finger, pausing every word.

   "I'm not afraid, I'm hungry, can I go to eat first?" She didn't eat dinner, and was awake from starvation.

  At this point, Qin Youxuan did not lie.

"it is good."

  Shan Hanjie's eyes flashed, let go, and threw Shan Hanxi out, picking up Qin Youxuan and out of the guest room.

  He didn't put her on the chair until she walked into the restaurant.

  "Hurry up and prepare some food for my grandma!"

   "Yes, the subordinates will let people prepare immediately."

  The butler followed to the restaurant, leaned over respectfully, and let the servant go down to prepare.

  Shan Hanjie recovered his calm in a second, as if nothing had happened, and concentrated on feeding Qin Youxuan.

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