"Are you scared?" Shan Hanxi put his shirt aside and raised his head to look at Qin Youxuan.

   "..." Qin Youxuan bit her lip and didn't answer the first time.

   "That's right, such a scary scar, when I saw it for the first time, it scared me, let alone you."


"I still remember when I was at the bottom of the cliff and I was crawling on the ground. My feet broke and it hurt too much. I couldn't feel the pain in my chest. I just wanted to avoid the beast that was catching up with the smell of blood as soon as possible. Climbing forward, I don’t even know that my chest was already completely scratched by bushes."

  Dan Hanxi's tone was very plain, as if he was telling other people's stories.

  A picture like that, even if he just made an understatement, Qin Youxuan couldn't help taking a breath.

  The despair of a person on the verge of death, how painful it will be, others simply cannot empathize with it.

   "If you are scared, you don't have to do it."

  Dan Hanxi glanced at Qin Youxuan’s pale face, reached out and took his shirt, ready to put it on.

   "...I'm fine, just a medicine. I'm not as timid as you think."

  Qin Youxuan took a deep breath, trying not to be influenced by him.

   stepped forward and lowered his head to apply medicine to his wound.

  The few punches that Shan Hanjie hit him were all on the face, so the injuries on Shan Hanxi's body were not serious at all. Most of them were bruises from falling to the ground.

  Because his current physical function has declined, the blood clots dissipates more slowly than normal people, and it looks very scary.

  Counting it all, Shan Hanjie didn’t seem to be beating him much at all. Fortunately, he said that if he died, Shan Hanjie was the culprit, and only Qin Youxuan would believe it if he cares.

  "The wound on your body is a bruise you hit. It's too big. I advise you to let the doctor rub it for you, so that the blood will not dissipate and it will become serious."

  Qin Youxuan put away the alcohol and ointment, and raised her head from Shan Hanxi's body.

   met his deep black eyes, and was stunned for a second.

  The next moment, Shan Hanxi grabbed her hand, rolled over and pressed her to the sofa, looking at her condescendingly.

  He hasn't been wearing any clothes yet. How to look at this picture makes people think about it.

  Qin Youxuan's fingers touched his smooth chest, and the warm touch made her anxious.

  "Dan Hanxi, what are you doing, let me get up!"

  Dan Hanxi did not speak, but did not give way.

  The tall body, supporting Qin Youxuan, seemed to be deliberately stimulating her.

  The thin lips were close to Qin Youxuan’s cheeks, exhaling like a charm, “You said that if Shan Hanjie came back now and saw the two of us like this, how would you react?”

   "He will directly give you a coffin to lie down!" Qin Youxuan was so molested by him, people calmed down instead.

   raised an eyebrow, "Do you think we will fight or even separate by doing this?"

   "No, I just want to try it out, how does it feel to hold you... and..."

  Dan Han paused, his thin lips moved, and he wanted to kiss Qin Youxuan.

  Qin Youxuan's cat's eyes flashed, and his head quickly tilted.

  Dan Hanxi’s thin lips were printed on her cheeks.


  Qin Youxuan slapped her backhand, pushed him away, and sat up abruptly.

   jumped off the sofa, stepped a few meters away, and stared at Shan Hanxi fiercely.

   "If you want to die, I advise you to find a good cemetery for yourself first, otherwise God can't save you with your attitude of looking for death!"

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