365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1978: Questions never dared to think about

  I put my hand on my stomach unconsciously...

  She never thought that she would have a child.

Since meeting Yu Xiuzhun, Ye Mingmei feels that her life has been subverted.

  What she thinks most every day is how to get rid of the entanglement of Yu Xiuzun.

  Marriage, give birth...

  This topic is far away from her.

  "Yu Xiuzhun is still pestering you now?" Qin Youxuan squinted her cat's eyes when she saw Ye Mingmei's hair.

   "No, no more." Ye Mingmei shook her head, subconsciously denying it.

  "Your health is still not well, so you don't have to rush back to the company. I heard Jin Chenye say that you seem to want to go back to work in these two days."

   "My body is healed, and I am bored at home. I am worried that if I am not sick, I will get bored and get sick. You see, the bruises on my face have also disappeared. There is no excuse to avoid laziness."

  Ye Mingmei smiled lightly, and touched her cheek unconsciously.

  Yun Xiuzun’s punch was really cruel, and when she let her rest, she rested for more than half a month.

  It was hard to get my face out to see people.

   "Don't worry about me, I will take care of myself." Ye Mingmei was quiet for a while, and couldn't help but hug Tingye.

  When the little guy sees someone playing with him, he is still willing to be hugged.

  The small soft body struggled to climb down the sofa, learning to walk around the sofa, and let Ye Mingmei chase him.


  One big and one small, it is fun to play.

  After playing for most of the day, the little guy fell asleep on his knees on the sofa when he was so tired.

  "Stay at home for dinner, my mother should be back soon." Ye Mingmei took the blanket and put it on the little guy.

   raised his head and looked at Qin Youxuan.

   "Miss, Madam just called back. She has something tonight, so she won't come back for dinner, so you don't have to wait for her." The butler's voice sounded respectfully by her side.

   "Since Aunt Ru doesn't have time to come back, then I will go back first." Leave Shan Hanjie alone for dinner, I guess that stingy man will also be angry.

"I send you."

   Ye Mingmei took the initiative to pick up Tingye and walked outside the villa.

After getting in the car, he reluctantly handed the little guy to Qin Youxuan.

  "I often bring Tingye over to play when I have time. The children are different every day, and in a blink of an eye they will become a handsome boy."

   "Well, you remember to take care of yourself."

  Qin Youxuan said a few more words before instructing the driver to drive.

  When I returned to the private villa, it was exactly 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

  Shan Hanjie has not returned yet.

   "Young grandma, you are back." The butler stood at the entrance of the living room and respectfully accepted the sleeping young master from Qin Youxuan's hands.

   "Well, what about others?"

  Qin Youxuan snorted in the direction of Shan Hanxi.

   "This... Master Xi hasn't been out all afternoon, but he called a few doctors. I heard that he fainted in the morning." The butler hesitated for a second before speaking.

   "What did you say? He fainted!" Qin Youxuan was slightly surprised, a little surprised.

  She also quarreled with Shan Hanxi this morning. He looked alive at the time and didn’t mean to faint at all...

   is wrong.

  When she quarreled with him for the second time, his face was not quite right.

  She didn’t respond because he had been avoiding his eyes. She thought he was in an accident and almost called for an ambulance.

   "About when did you fainted?" Qin Youxuan turned around.

  "This attribute is not clear. Xi Shao has been following people around. It should have been discovered shortly after he fainted. The subordinates don't know the exact time, but it should be around lunch time."

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