Qin Youxuan stood at the exit, standing on tiptoes nervously.

  Waiting for a long time, before waiting for anyone, rubbing his hands anxiously.

   "Why haven't we come yet? Will the two quarrel again? The fifth choice is to let us dove?"

   "The time is not up yet, what are you in a hurry?"

  The stalwart figure of Shan Hanjie stood beside the prompt sign at the exit, standing with his hands tied together, his black suit made him exude a silent aura.

  Far away, you can feel it.

  From the tourists around him, many young women took out their mobile phones to take pictures of him, but no one dared to strike up a conversation.

  Some little girls still gathered together and whispered, pushing someone to come up and ask for a phone call.

  Qin Youxuan’s attention has been focused on the fifth Zexian and Rui Wei who have not yet arrived, and suddenly saw someone walking towards Shan Hanjie, a young girl, whose sensitive nerves were immediately tense.

  When the girl was about to walk to Shan Hanjie’s side, she suddenly turned around and threw herself into Shan Hanjie’s arms, reaching out to circle his neck.

  With a voice that can get bored with death, "husband, I found you are handsome again, so handsome that I want to scratch your face, lest you come out to harm our female compatriots."


  Shan Hanjie was startled, subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold her Yingying waist, fixed the person in his arms, and looked down at her.

  Faced with her sly cat eyes, only then did she react and turned her head and glanced at her side.

  The demon's face, there are not many expressions, just a cold face, it is handsome and angry.

  The girl who was pushed up by her companion just now and was about to ask him for a call, she was stunned when she heard Qin Youxuan's husband.

   His eyes widened in shock, as if he could not believe that such a good man had already married a wife.

  Hearing Qin Youxuan's words behind, he blushed even more.

   Facing Shan Hanjie’s deep black eyes, he immediately covered his face and ran away.

   Pushing and hustling with a few companions, they ran away as soon as they disappeared.

   "Satisfied, Little Wildcat!" Shan Hanjii raised his eyes and grabbed Qin Youxuan's little face.

   reprimanded in a low voice, but the corners of his mouth made a smile.

   "Huh, it's normal, it doesn't matter where you go, otherwise you will wait for me in the car first, and I will get someone to come and look for you." Qin Youxuanzhan said eagerly.

  As soon as the voice fell, the flash and the camera clicked in front of my eyes.

  Qin Youxuan turned her head and found a young guy walking up to her with a Polaroid photo.

   "I'm sorry, you just looked too good-looking, so I can't help but take it. I hope you don't mind. I just collect the photos by myself and will not use them for commercial purposes."

  The man with the camera hanging around his neck spoke politely.

  The gentle and gentle appearance, plus the big satchel on the shoulder, looks like a backpacker coming to travel.

   "Take the photo out."

Without waiting for Qin Youxuan's response, Shan Hanjie stretched out his hand and opened his lips coldly.

  Eagle-like eyes, revealing the cannibalistic charm, staring fiercely at the man who is not afraid of death.

  In front of him, he dared to talk to his wife and didn’t want to live anymore!

"Sorry, my husband is stingy, I'm afraid I can't keep the photo for you. We are willing to compensate for your loss, and I will treat it as if I asked you to take it." Qin Youxuan hurriedly saw Shan Hanjie's posture to beat others. Blocked in front.

  With a polite smile on the corner of his mouth, he took the photo from the man.

   "You don't need money, you are very beautiful." After the man finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of Shan Hanjie's darkened face, nodded towards Qin Youxuan, and hurriedly left.

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