365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2017: Cat crying mouse fake mercy

  "What does it matter to me?" Ye Mingmei responded subconsciously.

  The words fell, and the back felt cold, before I realized what I had said.

   Turned his head to look at the black-faced Yu Xiuzun, just didn't want to change his words.

  It didn't matter to her in the first place. Whether he was alive or dead, it had nothing to do with her.

   "Count you kind!"

  Yun Xiuzhun was choked by her, and the speed of the car suddenly increased.

  Ye Mingmei clutched the seat belt with both hands, her face turned pale with fright, but she didn't say anything.

  She didn’t want to apologize to the devil Yu Xiuzun.


  The car arrived at the pub soon, and when she pulled over, Ye Mingmei immediately unfastened her seat belt and reached out to push the door.

   rush to the trash can on the side of the street.


   squatted by the trash can, vomiting dimly.

  Yun Xiu Zhun, she stepped out of the car, saw the small figure squatting in the trash can, her eyes flashed and she stepped forward.

   took out the handkerchief and handed it to her.

  "The cat cries and the mouse fakes mercy."

  Ye Mingmei looked at the handkerchief in front of him and gave him a fierce look.

  As if not seeing it, he took out the tissue from his carrying bag and helped the tree next to him stand up.

   "Knowing that I am afraid I am still annoying, and I will make my own feelings."

  Yun Xiuzhun glanced at her coldly, and put the handkerchief straight into her hand.

  "I fix the things I give, and no one is allowed to refuse. If you dare to throw it away, I will also throw you in the trash can. It is not recyclable and sorted!


   Ye Mingmei squeezed the handkerchief in her hand, really wanting to throw him on the face.

   gritted his teeth and put it in his pocket.

   Let Yu Xiuzun drag her into the pub.

  Ye Mingmei didn’t know that Yu Xiuzhun was because things were unhappy, but in broad daylight, the pub was not open at all.

   Ye Mingmei breathed a sigh of relief.

  So that no one would see her entangled with Yu Xiuzun.

   "A drink with me."

   Ye Mingmei was shaking her mind, and suddenly a glass of red wine was pushed in front of her.

   raised his head and met Yu Xiu's gloomy eyes.

  The sadness in the eyes is flowing wanton again...

  He is really in a bad mood.

  This cognition made Ye Mingmei stunned slightly.

   looked down at the red wine glass in front of him, bit his lip, "I can't drink."

  She drinks too much, a few glasses of red wine will be put down.

  To be with Yu Xiuzhun, we must be 100% awake at all times.

   "You can drink when you go out to socialize with Jin Chenye, but you can't with me, huh?" Yu Xiuzhun reached out and pinched her chin, he just put the wine glass to Ye Mingmei's lips, "drink."

   "Yu Xiu accurate!"


  Ye Mingmei was given a sip by him and coughed.

As soon as    was about to yell at her, she found that Yu Xiuzun had removed the cup and picked up a tissue to wipe her mouth.

   "Stupid, I drink like a kid."

  Yu Xiu cursed low, but his movements were extremely gentle.

  It seems to be wiping her own baby, very gentle.

   Pour back on the sofa, no longer forcing Ye Mingmei to drink, holding the glass herself, drinking one by one.

  It didn’t take long before I finished a glass of red wine.

  The collector's edition of red wine, it was a waste to let him drink it as boiled water.

  Ye Mingmei sat next to her, watching him drink slightly drunk, secretly regretting the red wine.

  Yun Xiu certainly didn't know how long it took to drink, and then the speed gradually slowed down.

  A pair of evil eyes, with the light of cold bird, fixedly looking ahead.

   "You said, where will people go when they die?"


   Ye Mingmei did not expect that he would speak suddenly, a little stunned, and after reacting, "You do a lot of evil, you should go to hell."

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