Ye Mingmei was wearing high heels, but she reacted a few steps slowly before chasing it out.

   By the time she ran to the street, Yu Xiu's car was already out for a long time.

   Ye Mingmei was anxious, bent over and took off her shoes, and ran directly with her hands.

   100 meters sprint speed, swish to catch up.

  As a result of the race with the car, Ye Mingmei almost stopped breathing, and the car that had been repaired disappeared before her eyes.


  Ye Mingmei panted with her hands on her hips, her small face flushed, and sweat was dripping down her delicate face.

  I stomped angrily at the disappearing sports car at the end of the street.

   "Damn Yu Xiuquan, **** bastard! I haven't finished talking yet, what are you rushing to run!"

   "If you don't speak clearly, who knows what you mean!"

   "Abominable! Scumbag!"

   Ye Mingmei cursed fiercely, while turning her head and walking back.

  I ran too fast just now, and the soles of her feet were worn out.

  I didn’t notice the pain when I was in a hurry. Now that I slowed down, I couldn’t help but breathe in after two steps.

  The resentment towards Yu Xiuzun in his heart became deeper.

  "Better not let me see you on the street, or I will definitely see you once!"

   "Are you sure you can beat me, three-legged cat."

   A joking voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Ye Mingmei's body froze for an instant.

   stared straight ahead, but didn't dare to look back.


   A car door sounded, and Ye Mingmei's slender body stood straighter.

  Listening to the footsteps behind me, I have been hypnotizing myself, it must be an illusion, it must be an illusion...

  Yu Xiu had clearly left, he must have not heard her scolding him just now.

   "What is your brain for? Do you think you can run a sports car on two legs?"

  His sports car is still a modified car, it is strange that she can catch up with him.

  Yun Xiuzhun glanced down at her little feet rubbed together, and the picture he had just glimpsed in the rearview mirror appeared in his mind.

  She just carried high heels and chased behind his car...

   just glanced at it, and he almost couldn't see it.

  Yu Xiu narrowed his eyes, and a complicated light flicked across his eyes.

  Looking at Ye Mingmei, who was still stunned, knowing that she had entered the pretending mode again, she picked up the person directly, strode to the front of his car, and put her on the hood.

  "Sit and don't move." Yu Xiu's quasi-low lips opened, turned around and took out a small portable medicine box from the car.

  Take out the alcohol and band-aids, squat down to treat the small wounds on the soles of Ye Mingmei.


  When the wound touched alcohol, Ye Mingmei inhaled in pain, subconsciously trying to retract her feet.

   "Let you run, now I know the pain, it's too late!"

  Yun Xiuzhun grabbed her little feet, and while giving her medicine, he cursed viciously.

  I caught a glimpse of Ye Mingmei's pitiful little face, and the movement of her hand was lightened unconsciously.

   Breathing out gently, put a band-aid on her.

  The tenderness of the eyes is invisible from Ye Mingmei's perspective.

  Closed the medicine box, and when he stood up again, his expression had returned to apathy.

  "What do you do after chasing my car?"


  Ye Mingmei hadn't recovered from the shock of Yu Xiuzhun unexpectedly turning around again. Hearing his voice, she stared at him blankly and did not recover.

  He turned around and came back, does it mean he heard her scolding him just now?

   Ye Mingmei was full of excitement. If it wasn't for her foot injury, she would definitely turn her head and run.

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