365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2036: Waiting for you to come back and beg me

   "There are a lot of fine wounds. If you can't deal with it this way, it is easy to be infected. I will send you to the hospital for bandaging." Jin Chenye picked up Ye Mingmei, looked at Yu Xiu, and prepared to leave after he passed him.

   "Where do you want to take my woman?"

  Yu repaired quasi-cold lips, every word.

  Long figure, seemingly pacing slowly, but actually like a glimpse, stopped in front of Jin Chenye.

   stared down at Ye Mingmei in his arms, gritted her teeth and opened her teeth, "She was injured because of me. She was going to the hospital, and I took her there."


  When was she injured for him?

  She is the wound chased by the car chasing him...

   "Your foot hurt, isn't it because of me, eh?"

  Yu Xiuzhun stared at Ye Mingmei and looked at her leaning against Jin Chenye’s chest. He really wanted to go up and pull her out.

  I caught a glimpse of the small mottled wound under her ankle, and gritted her teeth for fear that she might get hurt.

   He stared fiercely at Jin Chenye, Cheng Yaojin who had been killed halfway.

   "...My foot is fine, it's just a minor injury, so I don't have to go to the hospital so much trouble." Ye Mingmei glanced at the two men who seemed to be fighting again, swallowed saliva, and said boldly.

   really asked Yu Xiu Zhun to take her to the hospital. She was afraid that she would be frightened by him on the way.

just forget it.

"Just a few cuts from the gravel, it will be better in a few days, really don't need to go to the hospital." Ye Mingmei saw that no one answered her, the two men stared at each other silently again, struggling to want Get down from Jin Chenye's arms.

   "Senior, I can actually go by myself..."

   "You have an injury on your foot, don't be aggressive, I will hold you back." Jin Chenye held her firmly without letting go.

  Yun Xiuzun also couldn't stretch his face completely, watching the two men frown, his hands creaked.

   "Let her down, I didn't see that she didn't want you to hug you!"

  Yun Xiuzhun stepped forward, reached out and grabbed Ye Mingmei’s wrist and pulled her into her arms.

   "Mingmei is polite to me, she just hates you, she definitely doesn't want you to touch her!"

  Jin Chenye didn't let go, instead he hugged him tighter.

  Two people looked down at Ye Mingmei at the same time, but Ye Mingmei only wanted to make herself invisible.

  What's the matter with her, she is still injured, they quarrel, don't bring her...

  She is afraid of death...

   "Yu Xiuzhun, you were in such a hurry just now, should it be something urgent?"


  "If you have something to do, go ahead. Although my foot injury is related to you, it is not your cause. You are not responsible, really."

  Ye Mingmei thought for a long time before suffocating a word.

  Who knows that as soon as she said her words, she clearly noticed that the aura on Yu Xiuzun’s body turned sharply, and her body was full of cold, which could freeze people into popsicles in minutes.

   "Having been doing it for a long time, just want me to go?" Yu Xiu Zhunzi's pupil tightened, his outstanding face became a little gloomy because of anger.

   stared at Ye Mingmei, with a light that confuses her.

  She didn't want them to fight, didn't she just want to let one go first.

  Why did he look at her with such hurtful eyes, as if she had done too much...

   "Ye Mingmei, you are so kind!"

  Yun Xiuzhun stepped back a few steps, pointed her long finger, "I will watch how you come back and beg me!"

  Yun Xiuzhun turned around and walked away from her in front of her in a stride.

  Sit in the sports car, the sports car turned around with a quick tail flick, and drove away from here.

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