365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2041: There is no good thing to say

   "Ink wind?" Shan Hanjie frowned, and his coquettish Zitong flashed, "What the hell?"

"Mofeng is not a ghost, he is my father's personal special help, he only obeys my father's instructions, but is missing now." Qin Youxuan looked at him a little annoyed, a living person would become a ghost in his mouth Up.

  If you really speak, there is no good thing!

and many more.

Qin Youxuan blinked her cat's eyes, "Aunt Ru said that Mofeng should stay in my father's mourning hall, but she disappeared for no reason. When you say this, I'm wondering if something really happened to him. Is the news suddenly lost because of an accident? Maybe it's really..."

"The young **** is babbling, if you really die, Su Yiru will tell you what this is doing." Shan Hanjie interrupted her cranky thinking, sat up from the sofa, leaned on his chest with one hand, and became dizzy. Sleeping little guy.

  A dark light flicked across the black eyes.

died? It's really easy to die.

  Shan Hanjie did not forget the ghost image that had been floating outside the fifth laboratory.

  When Su Yiru mentioned this person to him before, he began to pay attention.

  The matter of Ye Zhanxing has passed for so long, and the one named Mo Feng has been guarding outside the laboratory of Fifth Chosen.

  I can’t get in, and I don’t force the attack. I just keep silently guarding outside the laboratory building, just like guarding my beliefs.

  If it weren’t for his loyalty and know-how, Shan Hanjie had people clean up him early.

  "It's just a special assistant, why do you care about it all of a sudden?"

"Do you know all about Yu Xiu Zhun coming to the Shan Group to post the battle?" Qin Youxuan glanced at Shan Hanjie, paying attention to the calm on his face, knowing that Yao Yao had told him before proceeding. Open up.

"I'm thinking about how much Yu Xiu can raise in a short period of time with such a large amount of funds. We must all be more than him in order to successfully get the shares at the auction. What we can do now is to prepare as much as possible Money."

  "What does this have to do with the ink wind?" Shan Hanjie raised his eyebrows.

  He was not at all surprised that Shan Hanxi had left Yu Xiu Zhun with the power of attorney, but he was curious about Qin Youxuan's sudden desire to find a special help.

   "Aunt Ru said she suspected that the Ye family had invisible assets that she didn't know about, and besides my father, the most likely person to know was Mofeng."

  "Do you want to use Ye Family's invisible assets to help me?" Shan Hanjie held Ting Ye's sleeping small body with one hand, and pulled Qin Youxuan into his arms with the other, with a low voice with a touch of sexiness.

  Deep eyes, fixedly looking at her.

  The deep affection in the eyes can drown people.


  Qin Youxuan nodded heavily.

   "If you let your dad know, he will jump out of the coffin even if he is dead." Shan Hanjie clicked the corner of his lips, jokingly said.

  What the hidden assets of the big family are used for, no one knows better than him.

  He couldn't even use the invisible assets of the single family privately, but Qin Youxuan thought of using the invisible assets of the Ye family to help him.

   "I hope my dad can come and see me. I have a lot of questions to ask him, but I don't have a chance." Qin Youxuan's expression suddenly became lonely, with a hint of choking.

  Working hard to suppress emotions, not to influence Shan Hanjie.


  Shan Hanjie grabbed her hand, tightened slowly, and after a while, he forced out, "I will help you find the ink wind."


   "But you don't need to intervene in the affairs of a single family."

   "Shan Hanjie..."

  Qin Youxuan's face changed slightly, and she looked at him unexpectedly.

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