Shi Dong glanced at Ye Mingmei, who had been silent with Jin Chenye, and his eyes lit up.

  "I am Ye Mingmei, I am very happy to meet Shi Dong. This time, I will explain to you the new products that Yeh’s launched this time."

   Ye Mingmei stood up from her seat generously and stretched out her hand towards Shi Dong.

  Shi Dong glanced at her, took her hand, but quickly let go.

  For fear of making any mistakes.

  The nervous look made Ye Mingmei frown.

  It's hard to say anything strange, but since she got off the car, she has always had an indescribable feeling.

   "No hurry, we are not in a hurry, there is still a distinguished guest who hasn't arrived." When Shi Dong saw Ye Mingmei take out the plan, he immediately raised his hand to indicate, and then respectfully looked at the door of the private room.

   "Who else?" Jin Chenye raised his eyebrows and glanced at the private room.

  He has investigated the background of this partner.

  The person sitting here is the distributor of Ye's new product this time, and there should be no one else.

  Jin Chenye said, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside.

  An assistant respectfully guarded the door, and in the next second, Yu Xiu's quasi-noble figure walked in.

  The sunglasses on the bridge of his nose blocked his eyes and couldn't see the expression on his face.

  Black handmade suit, set off his long figure with coldness and solemnity.

  Pushing her thin lips slightly, ignoring the people in the box, she walked straight to Ye Mingmei's right.

  In her shocked gaze, the assistant stepped forward eye-catchingly, opened the chair for Yu Xiuzun, and let him sit gracefully.

   Ye Mingmei's body froze in an instant.

What exactly is going on?

  Ye’s new product proposal investment, why did Yu Xiuzun come? !

   "Shi Dong, what do you mean?" Jin Chenye stood up from his seat and looked directly at Shi Dong, who was opposite, and saw him nodding and bowing at Yu Xiu. He probably understood what was going on.

   Reached out and picked up Ye Mingmei, she was ready to leave.

"Yep's new product launch, of course, is that interesting people want to participate, because it is me, so Mr. Jin rushed to leave, is it because you have no confidence in Ye's products, or because you see me, you lack confidence? "

  Yu repaired quasi-cold lips, stretched out his hand to take off his sunglasses, and his sharp evil eyes swept towards Jin Chenye holding Ye Mingmei’s hand.

   "I have confidence in Ye's products, and the same with myself. The person who makes me unconfident is Yu Shao." Jin Chenye paused, turned around, and looked directly at Yu Xiuzhun's provocative eyes.

  “Who doesn’t know the background of Yu’s family, I just don’t want Ye’s to turn black in my hands, and dealing with Yu’s family is the right decision."

  Jin Chenye said something straightforward and unsparing.

  The people around him sweated for him.

  Who doesn’t know that Yu Xiuzhun is cruel and has a strong desire for revenge.

  No one has ever dared to prevent him from coming to stage on the bright side and still live well.

  "Besides Yujia, there are other partners here."

  "Yes will not think too much about the relationship with Yu's family!" Jin Chenye glanced sideways at Shi Dong. For the first time, the elite in his eyes flashed in front of Shi Dong.

  Shi Dong stretched out his hand and wiped his sweat.

  Unexpectedly, Jin Chenye, the Ye's agent who suddenly appeared, had such a strong momentum.

   "I'm not sure today, no one can do without here."

  Yun Xiuzhun put one hand on the table, and then stood up.

  The stalwart body, revealing coldness.

   "What is Yu Shao doing? If business is not righteous, why bother to tear your face."

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