Yu Xiu is very high, with a height of over 1.85 meters and a strong figure, he is born as a clothes rack.

  The cold black suit was worn on him, and there was a touch of evil in his side.

  He was born in black, and he couldn't conceal his ostentation.

  Yu Xiuzhun is a more attractive man than anyone else.

  Standing in front of Ye Mingmei at the moment, he looked at her without any pressure.

  Not irritable, not rushing, with deep eyes, looking at her extremely expectantly.

  Waiting for her answer.

The look in   's eyes is like a child who has never received candy before, hoping that someone can give him a candy.

   Ye Mingmei's heart moved slightly, as if she was touched by a hand.

   Unspeakable throbbing.

   Ye Mingmei bit her lip, hesitated for a long time, and told the truth, "I don’t know, you were too bad before, I..."

   "Then try." Yu Xiuzhun interrupted her, opening her lips indifferently.

  His eyes were very cold, but it was not the kind of utter coldness. Instead, he seemed to be using indifference to cover up his inner expectations.

   Ye Mingmei was stunned for a moment, staring at him in astonishment.

  She couldn't understand him again.

  What does it mean to try?

  He meant that if she was not afraid of him, would he be willing to stop?

  Ye Mingmei reached out and grabbed her small head, and was about to ask Yu Xiuzun what she meant, when she saw Yu Xiuzun reached out and clasped her wrist and pulled her into the restaurant.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, you just said..."

   "Eat first." Yu Xiuzhun interrupted her, pulled a chair away, and pressed her to the table.

  As soon as Ye Mingmei sat down, Yu Xiuzun ordered the butler to serve the dishes.

  A table full of dishes, and a dozen servants were standing next to them.

  Is this posture again.

   Ye Mingmei stretched out her hand and pressed her eyebrows, looking helplessly at the man sitting in front of her.

  Does he like to make it so grand after a meal?

  I am afraid that others will not know that he is rich and powerful.

   "What are you thinking?" Yu Xiu saw a glass of milk pushed in front of her, "Drink it."

   "No, nothing." Ye Mingmei took the milk and took a guilty sip, forgetting that this was something Yu Xiuzun gave her, so she drank it unsuspectingly.

   "In front of me, you are not allowed to lie." Yu Xiu's deep eyes did not leave her cheeks.

  It seems to be able to see the thoughts in her mind through her eyes.

  He knew that she was playing him just now.

  He saw disdain from the bottom of her eyes.

   What disdain?

  He is still everything about him...

   "I just don't like so many people watching me eat." Ye Mingmei stuck out her tongue, sighing.

  The Ye family is also a well-known family, but Ye Zhanxing is not a person who sticks to rules.

  Especially when a family is together, I pay attention to the warmth of a small family.

   said that children who grew up in love will have kindness from the heart.

   "Go down." Yu Xiu heard the words, his eyes flashed slightly, and immediately let everyone around him leave.

   "Yu Shao, let them all go, who will wait for you to eat?" the butler said uneasy.

   "I have my hands and feet, and I am afraid that I can't eat a bite of rice? Let you go down, so much nonsense!" Yu Xiu gave the butler a look, and the butler was busy greeting the servants around him, and he was gone.


   Ye Mingmei was completely stunned.

  She just said casually, he really drove the servants away...

  What the **** is he thinking.

   "I want to drink soup." Yu Xiuzhun snorted towards the soup bowl in front of Ye Mingmei.

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