365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2056: You guys really have a tacit understanding

  Walking out of the yard, Yu Xiuzun was no longer visible.

   Ye Mingmei tentatively walked forward for a while, only to see his handsome figure in the direction of the gate.

  Yun Xiuzun leaned in front of a sports car, squinted, looking in her direction, with sharp eyes, Ye Mingmei could feel the anger in his eyes far away.

  Getting into the car, Ye Mingmei didn't even dare to breathe the air, for fear that he would be offended again.

   Thinking of something, she said weakly, "Yu Xiuzhun, can you return my mobile phone to me, I want to call my mother."

   Ye Mingmei is a well-known good girl, she will know Su Yiru's whereabouts when she goes out.

  This is not the first time Yu Xiuzun has met, nor will he associate it with Jin Chenye.

  Glanced at her coldly, reached out her hand from under the car seat and took out her carry-on bag, and threw it to Ye Mingmei.

   Ye Mingmei let out a long sigh of relief, unzipped the zipper, and found that her mobile phone was lying in it, just turned off.

  Ye Mingmei glanced at him, and saw that he didn't look angry, so she turned on the machine.

   Soon there will be many missed calls and SMS notifications on the phone.

  Ye Mingmei looked down one by one and found that it was all Jin Chenye’s phone calls.

   Jin Chenye can call her, does it mean that Yu Xiuzhun has let him go?

  Ye Mingmei took another look at the time of missed calls. They were all from an hour ago to the present.

  That is when Yu Xiuzhun promised her for the first time to let Jin Chenye go...

  He really did it.

   Ye Mingmei bit her lip and quickly replied a text message to Jin Chenye, telling him that she was okay.

  As soon as the text message was sent, the phone rang.

   Ye Mingmei was taken aback, and almost threw her phone out.

   "What are you panicking?" Yu Xiu gave her a sideways glance and saw the caller ID on her mobile phone. His face sank.

   Her lips were cold and hot, "The action is really fast, and his phone comes as soon as I turn on the phone. Should I praise you for your understanding?"


  Ye Mingmei glanced at him, then bit the bullet and answered the phone.

   "Mingmei, where are you now? Don't be afraid, I'm already out..." Jin Chenye's anxious but still gentle voice rang on the phone.

   "Senior, are you not injured?" Ye Mingmei interrupted him, and asked with some worry.

  She was afraid that Jin Chenye would be hurt because of her.

   "I'm fine." Jin Chenye seemed to notice that her tone was wrong, and her voice became calm.

   "Senior is fine, and I'm fine, I still have something here, please call the senior again." Ye Mingmei tried hard to think of the reason, but she couldn't think of it, so she could only say nothing.

   "Are you with Yu Xiu Zhun?" Jin Chenye's voice sinked slightly, with a hint of disapproval, "Mingmei, he is not someone you can handle, listen to me, and leave him as soon as possible!"

   "Senior, I..."

  As soon as Ye Mingmei spoke, the phone was snatched by Yu Xiuzun, and she hung up without saying a word.

   Throw the phone back into her arms.

Evil Eye glanced at her displeased face, "It seems that you don't want to call Su Yiru to report safety."


   Ye Mingmei silently swallowed the complaint that had come to her lips, and picked up the phone to call Su Yiru.

  After hanging up the phone, she looked up at the window of the car. The strange path made her raise her eyebrows.

   "Where are you taking me?"

   "With me, you only have to say this?" Yu Xiu frowned.

   Always worried that he would sell her.

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