365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2058: There is nothing I dare not admit

   Ye Mingmei stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows for a while, remembering the work she hadn’t finished, and turned back to her desk.

   Turned on the computer on Yu Xiuzun’s desk.

  The password lock interface pops up after booting, and Ye Mingmei is not surprised at all.

   Biting his lip, he tried to enter his birthday.


  The computer is unlocked.

  Ye Mingmei's fingers stiffened, and she looked at this scene somewhat unexpectedly.

  The heart beats very fast.

  Unspeakable feeling filled my heart.

  The computer desktop is very neat and tidy, and each file is classified into categories, all concentrated in the same folder.

   Ye Mingmei clicked in by mistake, glanced at it, and quickly backed out.

  She is not used to peeping into other people’s privacy.

  Logged in to her mailbox, downloaded the work copy, and Ye Mingmei started her work.

  Yun Xiuzhun’s meeting lasted a long time, Ye Mingmei’s work was over, and he still didn’t come back.

  Save the email, and Ye Mingmei is about to log out of his computer.

  Move over a folder accidentally, and suddenly a password lock pops up, asking for a password.

  Ye Ming Mizi's pupil tightened, and the woman's sixth sense told her that this must not be an ordinary folder.

  She opened other folders a while ago, and there is no password lock at all.

   Ye Mingmei did not believe in evil, and clicked on several folders next to her.

   Just one point in.

  Only the innermost one, and a special password is required.

What is inside   ?

   Ye Mingmei shook the fingers of the mouse slightly, and the file in front of her was like a Pandora's box. No one knew what the consequences would be when opening it.

  Yu’s family background, it’s almost no secret what Yu Xiuzhun is doing secretly.

  But Yu Xiuzhun was too cautious. No one could ever grasp his handle.

   Ye Mingmei gritted her teeth and tried to enter her birthday.

  Don’t open...

  Never open...

  As long as it can’t be opened, she can assume that she doesn’t know anything.


The   unlocking prompt sounded, and a slight sound blew into Ye Mingmei's mind like thunder.

  A series of documents were spread out in front of Ye Mingmei, which clearly recorded a detailed list of batches of goods.

   Ye Mingmei passed by, her fingers trembling.

  Seeing the last list all the time, Ye Mingmei's face has turned gray, biting her lip firmly to keep herself calm.

  With a few minutes in my mind, I can’t think at all.

   "Stay by my side, I will tell you what you want to know."

   "What I have done, there is nothing in front of you that I dare not admit..."

  What he said, replayed in her ear over and over again.

  He had such an important thing in his computer, and he dared to play with her.

  Yu Xiuzhun, are you crazy!

   Ye Mingmei got up from her chair in a panic, and walked back and forth in the office nervously.

   Reasonably tell her that the opportunity is rare and she should not give up.

  Yun Xiu is committed to evil, and she does not need to sympathize with him.

  But when he thought that all his passwords were her birthday, Ye Mingmei couldn't tell her uncomfortable.

  Ye Mingmei pulled out the USB flash drive from her bag, shaking hands, and approached the computer interface.

   Stretched out his hand several times, then retracted it again.

  She had a hunch, if she did this, Yu Xiu would definitely not let him go.


What Yu Xiuzhun said before Qin Youxuan flashed in his mind...

The person   Yu Xiuzhun is dealing with now is her family.


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