"Mingmei doesn't like you at all, what's the use of keeping her by your side?" Qin Youxuan couldn't help frowning when she saw Yu Xiu quasi-soft or hard.


  Ye Mingmei doesn't like him at all...Even the people next to him can see that it is difficult for him to deceive himself or others.

  Yu Xiuzhun's face turned ugly for an instant, and he clenched his fists with both hands and squeezed.

  But he just doesn't want to let go, who can do anything to him.

  He will fix what he wants, he will fight for himself, and he will grab what he can’t get!

  In his world, he can only think about whether he wants it or not, but whether he can want it or not.



  Two consecutive voices sounded, everyone was stunned.

  "It seems to be Mingmei's voice!" Qin Youxuan was the first to react, and excitedly grabbed Shan Hanjie's arm, "She must be in the villa!"

   Without waiting for everyone to recover, Yu Xiuzhun's expression changed, and he rushed out of the courtyard quickly.

   Seeing Ye Mingmei lying in the flowerbed, Zitong tightened.

  The whole person was stunned.

   Ye Mingmei's slender body was pressed against a row of flowers, her skirt was torn, and there were obvious scratches on her arms and calves, which quickly oozes blood.

  She curled up into a ball, her face pale in pain, holding herself tightly, waiting for the pain to pass.

   Seeing Yu Xiuzun, gritted his teeth and uttered a few words silently: I will not stay by your side when I die.


  Yunxiu quaked suddenly, and bursts of light burst into his pupil, clenched his fist and forgot to step forward.


  Qin Youxuan took a step slower to chase it out, and her face paled immediately after seeing the same scene.

   Before thinking about it, he rushed forward and lifted Ye Mingmei from the flowerbed.


  Ye Mingmei leaned against Qin Youxuan’s arms and shouted weakly, “I’m fine, but my feet are a little numb.”

  The height of the second floor is not very high.

  In addition, she jumped into the flowerbed, buffered a bit, and eased, so she could stand up.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, people are here now, what else do you have to say!" Qin Youxuan looked at the scratch on Ye Mingmei's body, and was so angry that he wanted to tear Yu Xiuzhun.

   "I have nothing to say, and I am also very curious. I don't know when Miss Ye entered my home." Yu Xiuzhun's face was tight and fierce.

  Looking at the bloodstain on Ye Mingmei's arm, she twisted her brows deeply, but she did not show any concern.

   "You are still arrogant!"

   "Sister, don't say anything, let's go." Ye Mingmei's eyes narrowed, and the loneliness flashed past her face.

  Is it disappointed in Yu Xiuzun or disappointed in herself, she can't tell whether she wants to leave here as soon as possible.

  She didn’t want to have anything to do with Yu Xiuzhun.

   "Okay, let's get out of here." Qin Youxuan glanced at Ye Mingmei, helped her and walked out.

  Just a few steps out, Jin Chenye strode forward and hugged Ye Mingmei.


   "It's because I'm not good, I didn't protect you well, now you should let me atone for it." Jin Chenye held Ye Mingmei firmly in his arms, lowered his voice, and looked down at her.

  Apologize flashed in the warm Zitong.

  Looking at this situation, they also roughly guessed that Ye Mingmei jumped from the second floor by herself.

  That means that she did not go back because she was imprisoned by Yu Xiuzhun for freedom.


   Ye Mingmei clicked her lips, but did not speak.

   turned his back to Yu Xiuzun, neither of them could see. At this moment, the gloomy look on Yu Xiuzun's face was like a devil.

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