365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2078: There are a lot of cars downstairs

  "Not only that, the third master only received the news after the mission failed. Except for Guanmai Wharf, the other wharves under Yu's family were not calm that day. Yu Xiu Zhunbai clearly made adjustments in advance."

  Yao said unwillingly.

  They stared so closely, they actually let Yu Xiuzun get the cargo out under his nose.

   "Jie Shao, do you want to notify the Third Young Master to send someone to stare at it?"

"Do you know how many ports Yujia has in Southeast Asia? There is no conclusive evidence. The police can transfer Ning Yanan to a limited number of people. Even if they have all been dispatched, Yu Xiuzhun is very likely to receive news to terminate the transaction early. They ran for nothing, and by that time they alarmed so many people and found nothing. The first unlucky one was Ning Yanan."

  Shan Hanjie's evil eyes narrowed, his slender fingers propped his forehead, and his index finger casually stroked his eyebrows and curled his lips.

   "Where is Yu Xiuzun now?"

   "As soon as I arrived in the United States today, I went to the Yip Group." Yaobi replied respectfully.

   "Where did you say?" Qin Youxuan was nervous.

   "As soon as the private jet of Yu Xiuzhun arrived in Washington, it immediately headed towards the Ye's Group. Counting the time, it should have already arrived."


  Yip Group.

  "Miss, this is a document just sent by the Planning Department. I hope we can cooperate with the theme design of this issue." The secretary pushed in with the information and walked respectfully to Ye Mingmei.

  "...Show me the file." Ye Mingmei raised her head from the table, her soft eyes a little surprised. Hearing the secretary's words, she put down the pen in her hand, and turned over the information twice.

  "Yes, take a few copies of this document and give it to other colleagues in the team, so that they can prepare and have a meeting in the afternoon to discuss the content of the theme design."

   "Yes." The secretary took the file, nodded, and walked out.

  In the office, only Ye Mingmei is left.

  She stretched out her hand to grab the pen and continued to review the document. The densely packed text in front of her looked at it for less than ten seconds, and she couldn't read a single word.

  On the desk calendar at hand, a special day was circled by a red pen.

   is the eighteenth.

  A day that has passed.

  Ye Mingmei's eyes froze, holding the pen's hand and tightening it suddenly, his complexion instantly became ugly.

  Yu Xiu Zheng...

The name    flashed in my mind, but my heart began to ache unconsciously.

  One month, she has never seen Yu Xiuzun again.

  The devil who always likes to pester her, seems to disappear without a trace in an instant, like a nightmare that has already woken up.

  She should be happy.

   But every time the secretary reminded her that the desk calendar should be turned to the next month, she stubbornly had to stop at the previous month.

  Looking at the date on the 18th every day, I kept wondering if Yu Xiu did not come to see her, is it because something happened...

  Since she left Yu’s villa, she was frightened and worried about Yu Xiuzun’s revenge.

  She counted day by day, and even a month passed.

  Time is so fast.


   Ye Mingmei stretched out his hand suddenly, tore the calendar, crumpled the paper in his hand, and threw it into the trash can.

   even the number 18, which was circled with the red line, went into the trash can.

  Yu Xiu is willing to let her go, she should be happy.

  This kind of person, even if he was arrested, he deserved it. She didn't need to worry about him.

  Ye Mingmei took a deep breath and forced herself not to think about it, and went back to work.

   "Miss, downstairs, downstairs... a lot of cars are coming!"

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