Fifth Choosing Freedom, Ye Zhanxing slowly opened his eyes.

   Muddy eyes, with a long coma in a daze.

  The eyeballs rolled around in the room, and finally fell on Shan Hanjie who was standing in the distance. He looked at him for a few seconds before suddenly reaching out, and the whole person became excited.

   Ye Zhanxing wanted to speak, but he was wearing a respirator, and his voice could not be heard.

  Shan Hanjie did not step forward, but he could see what Ye Zhanxing wanted to express from his mouth.

  He is calling Tingye’s name.

  His memory still stopped at the wedding, when Ting Ye was in danger.

  Even, maybe even his own memory is vague, only thinking of Tingye.

  Shan Hanjie tightens his hands slightly...

Not waiting for Shan Hanjie to answer his question, Ye Zhanxing closed his eyes again.

  Breathing is short.

   "His physical function is too poor. It is a miracle to wake up. This time it takes longer than last time. If you give me the recording, I will follow up on his situation."


  Shan Hanjie did not speak, and sent the recorded content to the fifth selection, turned around stiffly, and left the ward.

"Jie Shao." Yao Shou was outside, and when he saw Shan Han Jie coming out, he greeted him anxiously, "Young grandma called yesterday and used you to prevaricate in a meeting, saying that as soon as you are free, you will give her back as soon as possible. Phone calls."

  Shan Hanjie dialed Qin Youxuan's call with his mobile phone, and the call was quickly answered.

   "Are you done with your business?" Her voice was soft, with a hint of concern and distress.

  Qin Youxuan thought he was busy working in the group all night.

  "There is a little finishing work left, and I can go back in a few hours." Shan Hanjie glanced at his watch.

  At six ten ten, her voice sounded very energetic, unlike just waking up.

  "You don't need to rush back to accompany me, you can make up your mind in the office when you are done." Qin Youxuan said distressedly when he heard that he was about to come back again.

   "I can't sleep without you." Shan Hanjie spoke lightly, stepped forward, remembering something when he was about to get into the car, and suddenly looked back.

  Behind him is empty, there is no one.

  Mofeng left here?

   "Shan Hanjie, what's the matter with you? Suddenly not speaking."

   "Nothing, I have something to deal with, I'll talk about it later."

   hung up the phone, Shan Hanjie stepped into the car, "Go directly to the airport and return to the villa in the shortest time."


at the same time.

  On a street less than 500 meters away from the Ye's Group Skyscraper, a cool sports car parked on the essential road from Ye's home to the Ye's Group.

  The car window slowly lowered, revealing an angry face.

  Yunxiu stopped the car, took off his sunglasses, and threw it aside.

   sharp eyes, scanning on both sides of the street.

  He came so early, Ye Mingmei could not slip away from under his eyelids.

After a short while, a familiar car drove into sight.

  Yuan Xiuzun restarted the car and turned around, paralleling Ye Mingmei's car.

  His speed is very fast. Several times he wants to overtake, the other party also seems to panic, and follows him to speed up.

   "Ye Mingmei, you can never avoid me!"

  When he was about to arrive at the Ye's Group, Yu Xiu made a difficult drift, ran over to her car, and directly forced Ye Mingmei's car to stop.

  As soon as the car stopped, Yu Xiuzun discovered that the person in the driver's seat was not Ye Mingmei.

   is a strange man!

   "Yu Shao came out to practice the car early in the morning, it was really interesting."

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