365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2091: Is the wedding date approaching?

  The first place the news came out was online.

  A group of intimate photos of Ye Mingmei and Yu Xiuzhun were posted on social networking sites.

  The size of the photo is not big, it's just a photo of Ye Mingmei feeding Yu Xiu a meal.

  Also, the picture of two people kissing...

  The angle of the photo is very beautiful. Brigadier Yu Xiu pressed Ye Mingmei against the wall. The tall figure almost enveloped her, only showing a delicate profile.

  The last picture is a picture of two people sleeping together.

  Yes, it’s just sleeping together, well covered with quilt, nothing is exposed.

  The amount of information inside can be huge!

  In just one night, there was a gust of wind in the media circle.

   "Miss, breakfast is ready."

"it is good."

  The next day, Ye Mingmei got up very early, packed up, and sat slowly in the dining room for breakfast.

  Familiar fatigue hung his face.

  She was late to read the copy yesterday, and now her mind is still a bit swollen.

  Looking at the time, Jin Chenye was about to come to pick her up.

  It was Jin Chenye sending her to get off work for five or six days, and Ye Mingmei was used to it.

  After eating breakfast, he left the villa first, ready to wait for Jin Chenye by the road.


  The phone rang.

  Who would call her so early?

   Ye Mingmei glanced at the caller ID, a little surprised.


   “Mingmei, listen to me, I’m stuck in a traffic jam on the road, and I can’t make it for a while. You stayed in the villa today and don’t go out.” Jin Chenye’s nervous voice came from the day of the call.

  Ye Mingmei was startled, just about to ask why, she found that she had already left the gate of Ye Family Villa.

Before she had time to ask Jin Chenye what had happened, she was surrounded by a group of reporters squatting outside.

  Countless microphones and cameras pointed at her face, and Ye Mingmei was stunned.

  "Miss Ye, do you have anything to explain about the photos on the Internet? Are you and Yu Shao really together?"

   "The two people suddenly revealed the news of their relationship. Is the wedding date approaching?"

  "Does Mrs. Ye recognize the son-in-law of Yu Shao? Will the Ye family and Yu family have more cooperation because of their marriage?

   "It has been revealed on the Internet that Yu Shao plans to acquire shares of Shan's Group. This is tantamount to starting a competition with Yu Shao. Will you support Yu Shao?"


  The reporter's questions one after another, Ye Mingmei was surrounded, and the whole person was confused.

   still holding a mobile phone in her hand, but she couldn't hear Jin Chenye's voice.

  I was full of the first words the reporter had just said.

  Photos on the Internet...She and Yu Xiuzun...

What picture? !

  The blood on Ye Mingmei's face faded in an instant, her hands tightly grasped the hem of the clothes, and she turned around nervously and wanted to return to the villa.

  The reporter waited all night and finally blocked people, so she would not be able to let her go easily.

  The direction of Ye's gate was blocked long ago.

   At the gate, several bodyguards wanted to protect Ye Mingmei, but they were all stopped by reporters.

  There are too many reporters to make heavy moves. For a while, the bodyguards are helpless.

   "Ms. Ye, if you don't speak, do you intend to default to the romance with Yu Shao?" A reporter squeezed to Ye Mingmei's side.

   "We are not dating!"

  Ye Mingmei roared out of control emotionally.

  She has nothing to do with Yu Xiuzhun, nothing at all!

  How can there be photos of them suddenly on the Internet, what kind of photos...

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