It's a bit silly to reason with such a small child, but Shan Hanjie knows that Tingye is different from other children.

  He can understand what he means.

  "Be good, baby, don't be sad for mom." The little guy raised his small face, surprisingly obedient.

  Pang held Shan Hanjie’s handsome face in his hands, "Dad is good too."


  Has he been educated by the brats in turn?

  Shan Hanjie grabbed his hand, and then he got up with the little guy in his arms and walked towards Ye Zhanxing’s intensive care unit.

   "Ye Zhanxing wakes up several times after you left, each time is not long, but there is a tendency to recover his consciousness, he wakes up now, his eyes have gradually become clearer."

  Fifth Chosen walked behind and explained it unhurriedly.

  The situation of Ye Zhan's punishment has begun to recover, which means that he has been able to receive information from the outside world.

  Fifth Chosen told him about his situation, Ye Zhanxing was very calm, just listening quietly.

   spoke several times, all just shouting Tingye's name.

  This is also the reason why Shan Hanjie brought Shan Hanjie with him.

   Ye Zhanxing already knew that Ting Ye was okay, and now let him see his grandson, which might inspire his will to live.

   "I'm watching from outside, you take Tingye in." Fifth Chosen stopped by the door and raised his eyebrows and glanced at the ward.

  Ye Zhanxing is still asleep, not knowing when he will wake up next time.


  When Xiao Tingye saw Ye Zhanxing, his **** eyes blinked, and he looked at Shan Hanjie with some uncertainty.

  Qin Youxuan often showed him photos of Ye Zhanxing and told Tingye that it was grandpa. Grandpa loved him very much, but he had already gone to heaven.

  The Ye Zhanxing in the photo is much more energetic than now.

  The little guy didn't recognize it all at once.

   "Well, this is Grandpa." Shan Hanjie embraced him and walked to the hospital bed, placing him on the chair.

   "Grandpa is sick, so you have to sleep all the time. You can call him to see if he wakes up."


  Xiao Tingye, Xiao Pang grabbed the hem of his clothes, turned his pinkish jade face towards Ye Zhanxing, and crawled from the chair to Ye Zhanxing’s hospital bed.

  Small body swayed and almost fell several times.

  Shan Hanjie stood behind him, staring at him vigilantly, but did not stop it.

"Grandpa, be good." Ting Ye sat on the side of Ye Zhanxing's bed, approached Ye Zhanxing's face, and kissed his thin face. The soft and waxy voice made people feel heartbroken. .


  The instrument made a sudden noise.

  Shan Hanjie's nerves froze, and when he looked in the direction of Ye Zhanxing, his eyelids moved slightly.

   can't open, but it shakes badly.

  As if trying to open his eyes.

   "Dad!" Ting Ye was startled by the sudden sound of the instrument, and stretched out his hand to hug Shan Hanjie.

  "Grandpa is about to wake up, try again to see if Grandpa will wake up and see Tingye." Shan Hanjie did not go forward, but took a step back.

   Tingye couldn't hold him, so he could only hold Ye Zhanxing.

  The small, soft body, nestled beside Ye Zhanxing, "Grandpa, Tingye, you are good, too."

   Ye Zhanxing couldn't open his eyes, but tears came from the corners of his eyes, and he slid down his face into the temple.

  The fingers on the side of the body were trembling, trying to lift, but couldn't lift it.

"I don't want to see if there is anything wrong with Ting Ye. He is right in front of you now. If you don't want to see him, I will take it away." After waiting for a minute, Ye Zhanxing still did not wake up, and Shan Hanjie's eyes sank. , Indifferent opening lips.

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