365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2107: Yu Shao admits intentional pursuit

  Because the fetus is in a dangerous period three months ago...

  The doctor suddenly remembered something, and when he reached his mouth, he swallowed it alive.

"Ms. Ye's menstrual period is unstable. This should not be the first time, right? Your body is relatively weak, and many problems may not be noticed at ordinary times, but after a concentrated outbreak, it will be like this time, so to be on the safe side, pay more attention. This is better."

  The doctor reached out his hand and wiped the sweat off his forehead, secretly glad that his brain was turning fast.

  If he really missed his mouth, it would be strange if Yu Shao didn’t choke him to death!

  "Does it have to last for more than a month? I have always had regular check-ups before. Why has no one told me that my body is very sick?"

   Ye Mingmei frowned in doubt.

  Ye’s family has a special family doctor, and he has prescribed medicine for her to treat her body, but they all said that the problem is not big.

  How come you have to rest in bed for such a long time...

  "This..." The doctor stopped talking, but couldn't find an excuse.

   "What are you talking about?" A deep, magnetic voice came from the door.

  Yun Xiuzhun opened the door, his stern eyes swept over the doctor who was staying in the ward, his face suddenly sank.

   "Yu Shao."

  The doctor respectfully greeted him, glanced at Yu Xiuzun, found an excuse in shock, and hurriedly left the ward.

   "You promised me, the time is up." When he saw Yu Xiuzun, Ye Mingmei also forgot the question asked earlier, and returned to those photos.

  Sit down, nervously and expectantly watching Yu Xiuzun.

  Yun Xiuzun said nothing, raised his hand and threw a newspaper in front of her.

  The big headline is particularly eye-catching: [Composite photos misunderstand, Yu Shao admits intentional pursuit]

composite picture……

   Ye Mingmei made a ding in her head, and her brain seemed to crash.

  The photo is obviously real, how could it suddenly become a composite...

  There is also a photo analysis certificate in the newspaper.

   “It doesn’t matter whether it’s really composited or not. As long as everyone now believes that the exposed photos are composited, the problem you worry about will not exist.”

  Yun Xiuzhun stepped forward and stood in front of her, staring down at her stunned face.

   "With these reports, even if Su Yiru knows, you can deny that we are still in touch and put all the blame on me, saying that my toad wants to eat swan meat. I guess I will frame you with a synthesized photo."

  Yu Xiu Zhunyun said lightly, as if he didn't care about the impact of these reports on him and the Yu Group.

   Ye Mingmei squeezed the newspaper tightly and lowered her head.

  It is false to say that it is not unexpected.

  She didn't expect that Yu Xiuzun would actually use this method to wash her whites.

   "Yu Xiu accurate, you made a mistake."


  Yun Xiu Zhun thought he would see her relieved, but he did not expect to wait for her simple sentence, he made a mistake.

  The stalwart body was stunned.

Ye Mingmei raised her head, looked at him earnestly, and pointed to the newspaper in her hand, "You helped me in this way. You kept it from my mother and my sister. My sister will soon guess that we are together again. Up."

  As soon as Ye Mingmei's voice fell, her mobile phone rang.

   took it over and took a look. Instead of picking it up, he handed it to Yu Xiu.

On the caller ID, Qin Youxuan's name is particularly clear.

   was hit by her.

  If Qin Youxuan knew that Yu Xiuzun had taken her away again, she would not rest assured that she would stay with Yu Xiuzun to recuperate.

   "Why are you hanging up on my phone!"

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