365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2109: A little confession before dying?

   "I have been so skinny for more than 20 years, and now I can't eat fat. Can you make me full?" Ye Mingmei disgusted and put all the vegetables he picked back into his own bowl.

  I chose a few dishes and ate happily.

   Finding that Yu Xiuzhun had been staring at her, he quickly hugged the bowl and turned his face to the side.

   "I don't want to see you, I'm afraid it will be unappetizing."


  Yu Xiuquan paused with the chopsticks hand, tightening the palm of the hand, and directly broke the wooden chopsticks.

   With a crisp "click", Ye Mingmei's brows and her heart beat, she turned her head to look at him subconsciously, but Yu Xiuzhun threw the broken chopsticks into the trash can faster.

   Picked up the fork from the side and looked back at her casually.

   Ye Mingmei immediately turned her head in disgust and continued to eat her own meal.

  A meal, eating silently.

  It was not until she was full that Ye Mingmei noticed that the dishes in front of Yu Xiuzun hadn't been touched either.

  Even the rice in his bowl only missed a bite.

  He watched her eating from start to finish?

  I'm sick!

   "I'm done." Ye Mingmei put down the dishes, and swiftly rolled over and climbed onto the bed. Just when she was about to fall asleep, Yu Xiuzhun pulled her up.

   "Just eat, don't go to bed right away, digestion is not good, and it is not conducive to nutrient absorption. I will take you to the balcony to sit for a while and bask in the sun. Your complexion is not good."

  Yu Xiuzhun finished speaking, and did not give Ye Mingmei a chance to express her opinion. He hugged the person lightly and walked toward the balcony.

  Put her on the tatami that she placed, and thoughtfully took a few pillows for her back.

  Ye Mingmei couldn't help but raised her hand and pinched her cheek once again.


  It hurts, not a dream!

  But why does she seem to not know the person in front of her.

   Ye Mingmei This is amazing enough.

  But in the next week, she knew that this was just the beginning.

  Only dare not think, there is nothing impossible.

  Yun Xiuzhun is like being possessed by a ghost. Every day, he waits on her before and after the horse, as if she is disabled.

  Feeding, washing feet, manicure...

  From head to toe, as long as Ye Mingmei speaks out, whether he needs help or not, Yu Xiuzhun will spare no effort to do it for him.

  At one time, Ye Mingmei thought she was terminally ill.

  He is a little confession before she died...

  The most serious struggle every day is the bathing session.

   Ye Mingmei wants to wash herself, Yu Xiuzun can always find out a lot of the dangers of taking a bath alone.

  The floor is slippery, the bathroom space is boring, she is not suitable to touch the water more...

  I have to go in for a kick and wash her.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, I have bathed myself for more than 20 years, and I have lived well to this day. According to you, taking a bath is so dangerous, I have died hundreds of times!"

   Ye Mingmei held her pajamas and stared angrily at the man who stopped in front of her.

   Saying that she was worried about her fainting in the bathroom, and made it clear that she wanted to take the opportunity to take a peek, she would promise to have a ghost!

   fainted and fell at most. If he were allowed in, it would be worse than this.

  "Your health is inconvenient now, and I won't do anything to you." Yu Xiuzhun frowned slightly, and stubbornly stopped her.

   "Who knows if you will be beast-sex-big hair..."

   Ye Mingmei's hands holding her clothes tightened, staring at him harder, resolutely uncompromising.


  Yuan's lips moved for a moment, and he paused again when he wanted to say something.

"I do not know."

   "I don't believe you, you have a bad record."

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