has them all, Su Yiru knows them all.

   "Mom, I'm sorry."

   Ye Mingmei couldn't lift her head guiltily, staring at her feet, not knowing where to explain.

   "What are you carrying? Such a big bag."

  Qin Youxuan opened her lips suddenly, but her eyes fell on the medicine packet in Ye Mingmei's hand.

   "They are all Chinese medicinal materials that regulate the body." Ye Mingmei gratefully looked at Qin Youxuan who had changed the subject for her, walked towards her, and put the medicine pack on the table.

  With such a big packet of medicine, she knew she would be found out.

   "What's wrong with your body? What kind of medicine should you take?"

   Seeing that Ye Mingmei took so many medicines to go home, Su Yiru forgot to be angry, got up from the sofa, walked up to her, and checked Ye Mingmei up and down for fear that she would bump into her.

  "I’m fine, but my menstrual period is uncomfortable. Then my friend introduced an experienced TCM doctor who specializes in this area. I prescribed some medicine from him and wanted to come back and try it."

   "Reliable? There is an investment hospital at home. If you feel unwell, tomorrow mother will accompany you to do a systematic physical examination..."

   "I'm fine, but I have some abdominal pain. It's all right."

  As soon as she heard that she was going to the hospital again, Ye Mingmei shook her head like a rattle.

  She has been living for a week, and finally wiped it out. Don't let her in again.

   "Mom, are you mad at me?"

  Ye Mingmei saw Su Yiru take the initiative to talk to her, and quickly reached out to take her arm, and all came out coquettishly and cutely. Su Yiru couldn't bear it and laughed out loud.

"You, you are such a big person, and you don’t know how to be prudent. You are still cautious in doing things, but you are not as courageous as your sister. How can you think of such a big thing and keep it from me? The newspapers are all published. , Can you hide it?!"

  Su Yiru nodded her head, a look of hatred that iron can't make steel.

   "I didn't want to hide it, but I was afraid that you would get angry if you knew it, which affected your creative inspiration, so I didn't have the first time to say it. Later...then the company went on a business trip when something happened, and it has been delayed until now."

  Ye Mingmei's weak explanation, with a guilty conscience, she looked at Qin Youxuan.

  Although Jin Chenye promised to help her with Qin Youxuan, she always felt that Qin Youxuan already knew that she was not on a business trip at all.

  "What's the matter with the newspaper behind?" Su Yiru picked up the newspaper on the table, "Is it true or fake about the photo?"

   "Of course it is fake. I have not been in contact with Yu Xiuzun for a long time, and I don't know where the media got these photos. They are all false reports."

   Ye Mingmei rubbed her arms and said bitterly.

   Carefully glanced at Qin Youxuan, and found that she was just pursing her lips and did not mean to break her.

   Ye Mingmei let out a long sigh of relief.


  Su Yiru hurriedly threw the newspaper in his hand into the trash can.

  "Yu Xiuzun is really getting more and more excessive. He even used such methods. He thought it had something to do with Mingmei. When he deals with Shanjia, we will stand by and watch it?"


  Ye Mingmei shook her heart, and suddenly raised her head to look at Su Yiru.

"As long as Qin Youxuan stays with Shan Hanjie for one day, the Ye family will be the backing of the Shan family. There is no doubt that this person, Yu Xiuzhun, has a wrong mind. Let alone these reports are false, they are true. I will never promise my daughter to be with him!"

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