365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2119: I won't have nothing

   "Hospital? What does he go to the hospital for?"

  Qin Youxuan raised her head in shock, hesitated for a few seconds before remembering something, “Mingmei brought a packet of medicine when she came back today. Would you say that Yu Xiu will go to the hospital because of Mingmei?”


  Dan Hanjie glanced at her, but did not answer, but his eyes were very clear.

  Does this still need to be asked?

   "What the **** is Yu Xiuzhun thinking? He pesters Mingmei like this, does he really want to be with Mingmei, or is it just a man's possessiveness?" Qin Youxuan stretched out his hand and pressed his eyebrows, the more he thought about it, the more anxious he became.

   "Ye Mingmei is not a child, so you don't need to worry about it." Shan Hanjii raised her eyes, pulled her to sit on the swing, stood behind her, and pushed gently.

  Just two laps, Qin Youxuan grabbed the rope and stopped.

   "Shan Hanjie, did you have anything that you didn't tell me?" She always felt that he was too calm, so calm that she felt uneasy.

  The crisis of the Shan group is imminent. Instead of going to the group to be busy with deployment, he spends most of his time at home with his son, which is too unusual.

  "What do you want to know?" Shan Hanjie never avoided, stepping forward and taking advantage of the trend to embrace her petite body into his arms.

"Want to know what you are thinking." Qin Youxuan asked directly, turning around from the swing, holding his waist, raised her head, "I heard Yao said, in more than a month, the Shan Group Will be officially auctioned off, don’t you worry about it at all?"

  As far as she knows, Yu Xiuzhun moved frequently before, just to raise funds.

  Yuan Xiuzhun has a power of attorney in his hand, and he has an advantage in the bidding. Once the capital chain in his hand rolls smoothly, Shan Hanjie has no chance of winning at all.

  In this case, he still has the mind to stay with his son at home.

   "I have nothing, don't you still support me, why are you anxious?" Shan Hanjie rubbed her small face with his hands, and a wicked smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

  Deep black eyes, as if to absorb her in.

  The thin lips move slightly.

   "Wife, you said you would raise me, you forgot."


  I said, but...

  Qin Youxuan can't say what's strange, just think Shan Hanjie shouldn't be like this.

   "You really have nothing to hide from me?" She still felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

   "Do you really want me to hide from you?" Shan Hanjie pinched her face, his hand was heavy, and Qin Youxuan grinned in pain immediately.

   "No, no! I don't want you to hide something from you, let go, it hurts to death!"

   "Where does it hurt? I'll show it to you." Shan Hanjie's eyes deepened, and his hand fumbled down her cheek.


  He squeezed her face, where is it going to be checked? !



  聿's villa.

  Luxury and elegantly decorated villas can be seen everywhere.

  The living room is very quiet, quiet and quiet.

  Yun Xiu is standing alone, standing alone in front of a pair of oil paintings, his eyes illuminating the complexity that no one can understand.

  Since I returned to the villa, I have been standing there without saying a word.

  The servants around did not dare to step forward to disturb, and even walked around the living room.

   "Yu Shao, Qin Youxuan has returned to her private villa." The assistant walked in from the outside, stood behind Yu Xiuzhun, and leaned respectfully.

   "What about her?"

  Yu Xiu was startled, only then opened his lips faintly.

  The long figure turned from the oil painting and glanced at the assistant.

  The assistant didn’t need to think about it, and immediately understood who he was asking, “Miss Ye is still in Ye’s house, and she has already returned to her room to rest.”

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