"Three bowls of water are boiled into one bowl. The kitchen is always prepared. Drinking the medicine while it is hot will be more effective."


   Ye Mingmei really forgot.

  She felt that there was no problem with her body, and let her drink medicine, it was almost the same as punishment.

   His chin was placed on the table, and he looked at the medicine cup in front of him resentfully.

   turned his head and glanced at the puzzled butler again, gritted his teeth, hugged him cruelly and drank.

  She brought this medicine back by herself. If she refuses to drink it, the butler will definitely be suspicious.

  Let Su Yiru know at that time, I'm afraid I won’t be able to hide it.

  I might as well drink it now.

   "Water, pour me a glass of water!"

  This medicine is so bad that she is going to throw up, but fortunately, it was before breakfast.

  If this is breakfast, I’m afraid I’ll throw up with breakfast.

  What the **** did the doctor prescribe her? She must lose most of it when the butler is not paying attention in a while!

  To really let her drink for a month, she would rather die now...

  "Miss, the water you want."

  "Give it to me." Ye Mingmei took the glass anxiously and drank it to the end.

  He breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally felt that he was alive.

  "Miss, eat the Chinese medicine before breakfast, it will be better absorbed." The butler soon brought the breakfast to Ye Mingmei and stood aside respectfully.


  I was fainted by the smell of medicine early in the morning. Ye Mingmei can't eat anything now and has been nauseous all the time.

  Looking at the butler’s concerned face, she can only grit her teeth and continue to eat breakfast pretending to be nonchalant.

  "Miss, eat slowly, if you need anything, you can call your subordinates." Seeing that it was almost time, the housekeeper hurriedly went into the kitchen and ordered Su Yiru's meal.

  As soon as the housekeeper left, Ye Mingmei quickly lowered the fork, covered her mouth with a napkin, and rushed into the bathroom.


  After a dizzy vomit, he collapsed and sat on the ground.

  I don’t even have the strength to stand up.

  The charming little face was pale, with no trace of blood in sight.

   Reached out and pressed her stomach, it hurts a bit.

   "It's okay if you don't drink the medicine. When you drink the medicine, you will vomit until you have to go to the hospital for gastric lavage." Ye Mingmei stood up slowly holding the toilet, and muttered to herself.

  Cleaned up for a while before leaving the bathroom.

  Without giving the butler a chance to see her, he went back to the room with a bag and rushed out.

  I drove the car to the Ye's Group and parked the car in the underground garage.

   Ye Mingmei locked the door and walked out of the garage with her bag.

  Just as she was about to leave the underground garage, a familiar figure appeared in front of her, and she was stunned.

   Step back subconsciously, staring vigilantly at the Yu Xiuzhan descending from the sky.

"How will you be here?"

"Your health is still not well, I said, I told you not to go to work in the company for these two days. Have you listened to me?" Yu Xiu stepped forward, the evil eyes of the evil eye staring fiercely. Obedient Ye Mingmei.

  I caught a glimpse of her somewhat pale face, and her eyes darkened.

  She looked uncomfortable, and she didn't want to rest at home. Are you eager to come to the company to find death? !

"What does it matter to you if I don't go to work? I've been discharged from the hospital, and I don't think there is any problem with my body. What are you nervous about?" Ye Mingmei raised her eyebrows, and just about to avoid him, she was pulled in by Yu Xiu. In his arms.

"Not my problem?"

  Yun Xiuquan chewed these words carefully, holding her hand tightly silently.

  His child, she actually said it had nothing to do with him.

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