365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2126: No one is more contradictory than him

   entered the elevator in one breath, pressed the floor he was going to, until the elevator door closed, Yu Xiuzun did not follow.

  Ye Mingmei leaned against the inner wall of the elevator and suddenly relaxed.


  The elevator has arrived.

  "Miss Miss is early." The secretary waited at the elevator door holding a document, and saw Ye Mingmei coming out and gave a respectful greeting.

   "Morning, come to my office to talk." Ye Mingmei grabbed her mind, and when she mentioned work, she completely forgot about the things she had just met Yu Xiuzun.

  After entering the office, he began to prepare a new cooperation plan.

  "Miss, the front desk sent a package and said it was mailed to you. Would you like to deliver it now?" The secretary answered an internal call and turned to ask.

   "Package?" Ye Mingmei frowned, who would send her something.

   "Let them bring it up."

   "Okay." The secretary hung up the phone, opened the office door, and waited outside.

  It didn’t take long before I came in with a box of top bird’s nests.

   "You said someone gave me something, but this is what they gave me?" Ye Mingmei unexpectedly looked at the bird's nest on the secretary's hand and blinked.

   "Yes, Miss, there is a card on it." The secretary put the bird's nest on the table and handed the card to Ye Mingmei.

  Ye Mingmei glanced at it, and there was only a line of dragon and phoenix dancing on it.

  【Eat on time every day, good for your health. 】

   is the correct revision.

  Is he enough? !

   Ye Mingmei crumpled the card into a ball and threw it directly into the trash can.

  As soon as he was about to let the secretary take the bird's nest away, Yu Xiuzhun's angry face suddenly passed before his eyes, his lips moved, and he stopped again.

  Forget it, just eat, as long as he doesn’t keep coming to her, whatever happens.

  She fainted only once, and Yu Xiuzhun had to make her terminally ill.

   "I'll take the stuff, you can go out to work." Ye Mingmei put the bird's nest next to her, swept away from the corner of her eye, and caught a glimpse of the newspaper in the secretary's hand.

   "When is the newspaper in your hand?"

  "The newspaper that just came out today, I picked it up when I went down to get the package." The secretary heard Ye Mingmei's words, stepped forward and put the newspaper in front of her.

"This is new news. The court has passed the resolution of the Shan Group’s share auction, and the auction will be officially launched in more than a month. Once the application is approved, Shan’s shareholders meeting will be held today. It should be a question to Jie Shao. responsibility."

  Recently, the Shan Group’s problems have been one after another, and they have not had time to resolve the issue. Once the stock auction resolution was passed, the Shan Group’s stock price fell to the close in an instant.

  Shan Hanjie, the president of the group, has an inescapable responsibility for such performance.

   "I see." Ye Mingmei tightened her hand holding the newspaper slightly, her eyes fell on the bird's nest sent by Yu Xiuzhun, and the corners of her mouth raised a mocking smile.

  He was dealing with her family while showing good to her...Ye Mingmei had never seen a man more contradictory than Yu Xiuzun.

   Ye Mingmei’s eyes flashed, and he pressed the inside line again.

  "You come to my office, share the bird's nest in it with other colleagues, and say that I will ask everyone to eat it."

  Hang up the phone, Ye Mingmei reached out and took the file and started to work.


  Shan Group.

   Towering into the sky skyscrapers, with high domes, revealing low-key luxury.

  Huge office, clean and bright, showing dignity in a silent place.

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