365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2150: The problem of being nervous as soon as you lie


   "Miss me." Yu Xiu Zhun's lazy voice came from the phone, with a trace.

  Sexy voice, soft tone, inexplicably calming people.

   "Who miss you, don't talk nonsense, I think it's true that you are going to die." Ye Mingmei yelled back angrily.

   Hearing his inexplicable sentence, he suddenly became guilty, and his voice unconsciously raised.

   "I have been busy these days. I will go back in two days and I will see you. I will ask someone to send you things again. Remember to eat them."

  "What are you up to?" Ye Mingmei interrupted him anxiously, remembering the reports she had seen in the past two days, and tightened her hand holding the phone slightly.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, I saw the report. They said that you went back to Southeast Asia and you fell out with a man named Rum... And Yu's wharf, all of them acted frequently recently..."

  Ye Mingmei’s eyes dimmed. The news was not reported in such detail by the media. It was Qin Youxuan who felt that something was wrong with Yu Xiuzhun suddenly and took the initiative to call.

   Knowing that Yu Xiuzhun and Rum have fallen out, Jiang Jinchen’s family’s property in Thailand has been stared at by Jiang Jinchen, and now that he offends Rum again, it is tantamount to an enemy.

  In order to relieve the pressure, Yu Xiuzhun must go there in person.

  Just listening to his tone, he didn't seem to want to stop, but instead saw that the chessboard got bigger and bigger.

  Qin Youxuan said that Yu Xiuzhun has mobilized all the forces in the Yu family in the past few days and has upset the entire Southeast Asia.

  His purpose should be to take advantage of messy shipments.

  Yun Xiuzun still didn’t want to give up, and had to fight Shan Hanjie to the death.

   "What do you want to say?"

  Yuan Xiuquan was quiet for several seconds before opening her lips faintly.

   His tone sank suddenly.


   Ye Mingmei choked.

  She didn't know what she wanted to say, but she didn't want him to make mistakes again and again.

   But this is the case, she has said it many times, and Yu Xiuzhun wouldn't listen at all.

  His goal is to take the Yu family to the status of the first family. If he fails to achieve his goal, he will not give up.

  "Give me a little more time, and when I take care of the things here, I will go back to see you." Yu Xiu Zhun seemed to feel her depression, soft voice, coaxing Ye Mingmei.

  With a strong pampering.

  "Yu Xiuzhun, can you come back soon." Ye Mingmeier said.

  As long as he can leave there early, maybe things won't get too bad.

   "Are you worried about me?" Yu Xiuzun was obviously taken aback, even his voice changed.


   "Mingmei, tell me, are you worried about me?" The silly woman finally knew to worry about him instead of just protecting Shan Hanjie.

  Yu Xiu was so delighted that he couldn't tell, he couldn't wait to fly right in front of her.

   "I don't have one, you think too much, don't worry if you don't come back, I'm going to sleep, goodbye!"

  Ye Mingmei finished speaking, and hung up the phone without waiting for a response.

   raised his head and looked at the bright morning sun, wishing to slap himself twice.

  It’s only what time, she actually said she was going to bed...

  Yun Xiuzun is a stupid pig, knowing she is telling lies.

  When can I change my nervousness as soon as I lie...


  Jakarta Port.

  Yu Xiuzhun stood on the embankment of the pier, holding the guardrail with one hand, looking into the distance, but the focal length was empty.

  The sea breeze is blowing on the face, short hair is swept up, and the black windbreaker is flying in the sea breeze.

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