Yun Xiuzhun stretched out his hand to cover her mouth, interrupted Ye Mingmei's words, got up from the stone, brought Ye Mingmei into his arms, and strode towards the car.

  Ye Mingmei turned to look at his resolute and handsome face, her eyes slowly becoming dim.

  He didn't want to listen to her at all. No matter how she persuaded him, Yu Xiuzhun recognized the Yu family's practice and insisted on doing it his own way.

  When I returned to the villa, it was still early.

  Yunxiu Brigadier General Ye Mingmei took to the bedroom and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

  Ye Mingmei sat on the huge bed alone, looking around blankly with beautiful eyes.

  His gaze fell in the direction of the bathroom, listening to the sound of water coming out of it, her hand holding the edge of the bed tightened slightly.

  In her mind, what Qin Youxuan had said to her flashed.

  Perhaps only if there is no way to go, Yu Xiuzhun will realize his mistake.

  Ye Mingmei's eyes lit up, she rolled over and climbed out of the bed, turned and looked for the study next door.

  Using her birthday as her password, she entered Yu Xiuzun’s study room unimpeded, turned on his computer, and nervously searched for the shipping form she had seen before.

  But after searching for a long time, I didn't find any useful information in Yu Xiu's computer, even the form she had seen before disappeared.

  Ye Mingmei was about to turn over his bookcase, and from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Yu Xiu's tall body, leaning against the door, with deep evil eyes, looking at her faintly.

  No drops of water can be seen on the handsome face.

  Even the clothes are neat and tidy, and I don’t want people who just took a shower.

  Looking at Ye Mingmei’s eyes, she couldn’t hide the disappointment.

"What are you looking for?"

   "No, I just..." Ye Mingmei bit her lip, not knowing how to explain it for herself.

  At the beginning, she just followed the butler’s advice, and wanted to let Yu Xiuzun feel the warmth that someone cared about. Perhaps this way could make him understand that power and status do not mean everything.

  It's just that Yu Xiuzun couldn't hear it at all.

  The world he believes, Ye Mingmei cannot change.

  She didn't want him to continue wrong, so she could only stop him in another way.

   but did not expect that Yu Xiuzhun would suddenly appear...

   "Just what." Yu Xiuzhun stepped forward, stopped in front of the desk, glanced at the computer file opened by Ye Mingmei, and then glanced at her pale face.

   Reached out and put her hand on her chin.

"I said, what do you want to know, you can ask me directly, I will hide it from everyone, but I won't hide it from you." With a move of his finger, Yu Xiu pressed the mechanism on the table and pulled out a piece from the secret grid. The document was thrown in front of Ye Mingmei.

"The original schedule is no longer suitable for the current situation. I deleted it and redesigned it. It was too late to archive it on the computer. You can read it directly on the file. I need to make a copy for you and let you take it. Go to Qin Youxuan?"


   "No, even if you copy it to you, you can't send it out, because I won't let you leave me for half a step!"

  "Do you want to shut me down for a lifetime?" Ye Mingmei was nervous and looked at his cold face in surprise.

   "A lifetime is too long, I don't know if I can live that long, but as long as I live, you can never run away from me." Zhunxiu Zhunchang touched her cheek and paused.

  "My villa has a secret room, I will not let anyone go, no one will find you."


   Ye Mingmei caught a glimpse of the dark bird in his eyes, his knees softened, and he quickly reached out and grabbed the edge of the table, barely standing.

  Her face turned pale.

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