Jin Chenye put down the photo and raised his head, “I just don’t know whether he came back for revenge or to find someone.”

  Jin Chenye’s gentle pupil flashed, revealing a faint light.

   "What dumb riddles you two are playing, even I don't understand. Yu Xiu will come back at this time, who can he find? The enemy or the benefactor?" Jiang Jinchen jumped up from the sofa and asked with a serious face.

  "Do you think that Yu Xiu will come back to find Mingmei?" Qin Youxuan, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly raised her head from Shan Hanjie's arms.

"Impossible, Mingmei told me that she had persuaded Yu Xiuzhun many times, but Yu Xiuzhun didn't listen. How could he risk coming back for Mingmei at this time, I would rather believe that he came back for revenge ."

"Isn't it? I'll know when he finds out his whereabouts." Shan Hanjie's coquettish Zitong passed a dim light, rubbing Qin Youxuan's small head with his big hands, "If he really goes back to Washington, it won't take three days. , You can get here."

   "Can we find him? With Yu Xiu's prudence, even if he comes back, I am afraid that he will be hidden." Qin Youxuan frowned and looked worried.

  Thinking of Ye Mingmei, who had already returned to Ye's house, she had already begun to think about whether to bring people back.

   "We can't find it, someone can."

"did you mean……"

  "Ye Mingmei." Shan Hanjie opened his lips without shy.


  Qin Youxuan was stunned, looking at the gazes of a few people, she couldn't speak.

   Ye Mingmei is all thinking about Yu Xiuzun now, even if Yu Xiuzhun really came back, Qin Youxuan is not sure, she will tell them.

  Emotions can never be considered from a rational perspective. Ye Mingmei is under a lot of pressure now, and she doesn't want to embarrass Ye Mingmei.


   "Hey, Mingmei, it's so late, why are you still up to sleep?" Qin Youxuan answered the phone and opened her lips unexpectedly.

  Several people in the living room heard Ye Mingmei's call, and they were all silent, and they fixedly looked at Qin Youxuan who was calling.

   "Sister, I have something to tell you..."


   Ye Family Villa.

   Ye Mingmei hung up the phone, put her mobile phone on the tatami, and stood up.

  The charming little face is calmer than ever before.

   walked back to the room, walked to the closet, stretched out his hand and opened the cabinet, his eyes fell on the dazzling array of clothes, and after a long time he picked a cotton dress.

  The bubble skirt, the skirt is also looser and won't be squeezed.

  Even the shoes, I chose the most comfortable flat shoes.

   Put everything away, Ye Mingmei left the room and walked to the living room.

   "I'm hungry and want to eat noodles." Ye Mingmei said to the housekeeper embarrassedly, and reached out to grab her hair.

  "The subordinates will do it for the eldest lady. The eldest lady will sit for a while, and she will be ready soon." The butler was taken aback, and immediately leaned over respectfully and entered the kitchen.

  There is obvious happiness on his face.

  Ye Mingmei didn't eat anything for dinner, even after Su Yiru persuaded him for a long time, he took a few mouthfuls of porridge.

  The butler looked in his eyes, and he was as anxious as Su Yiru.

  Now that Ye Mingmei took the initiative to say that she wanted to eat noodles, she quickly took out all her efforts, cooked a bowl of delicious noodle soup, and brought it to the restaurant.

  "Miss ate less for dinner. At this time, eat some noodles with soup to make it easier to digest, and it is not easy to accumulate food after sleeping."

   "Thank you."

   Ye Mingmei sniffed the face in front of her, pulled her chair away and sat down.

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